Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 49.1910

DOI issue:
No. 206 (May, 1910)
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(By permission of Messrs. Thos. Wallis dr Soti)

be made of Lilith, a beautiful work in sculpture,
by Mr. John Tweed.

It is not given to every Society to surpass itself
in successive exhibitions, to have an always height-
ening standard in the place of a fluctuating one.
This, however, seems to be the case of late with the
Old Water-Colour Society, whose summer exhibition
is now open. Mr. Sargent is represented by two
Venetian water-colours, miraculous as ever in their
skill and in the analytical
vision they display, but
rather unemotional for a
Society which, on the
whole, has always shown
a wholesome tendency
towards emotion. The
President, Sir Ernest
Waterlow, R.A., contri-
butes this year some
country scenes, as English
and as full of charm and
feeling as ever. Mr. David
Murray has gone abroad
and far afield, and shows
some very interesting re-
sults. By the Dancing
Rills shows Mr. J. W.

North, A.R.A., freeing
himself a little from un
pleasant browns in the
shadows and somewhat

unnatural yellowy-greens “the bathers"

in the lights, and finding
old qualities which he
once made delicious in
the grey stream under the
light grey sky. One of
the best pictures in the
exhibition is Mrs. Laura
Knight’s Newlyn Old
Harbour. Mo ntreutl,
France, represents the
sometimes great mastery
of Mr. H. Hughes-Stanton
in landscape, while other
pictures of his here suffer
from the forcing of the
very effects and colours
which, with greater re-
ticence, bring to his art
occasionally a very great
success. There are fan-
tasies in the exhibition,
supplying a light note, by Mr. C. Shepperson and
Mr. Rackham ; a notable colour success, Place des
Moutons, Tunis, by Mr. H. S. Hopwood; and an
impression full of beauty is the Kentish Home-
stead, by Mr. Herbert Alexander. The Miracle oj
Roses is a departure for Mr. H. S. Crocket, invit-
ing congratulations. The Gate of Paradise, by

Mr. Walter Bayes, is a design of much distinction.

Mr. Mathew Hale’s tender and beautiful St. Mark’s,
Venice, though small, is a picture to be remem

