Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 49.1910

DOI issue:
No. 206 (May, 1910)
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bered. The Cld Roman Well, by Mr. Robert W.
Allan; Lincolnshire Marshland., by Mr. H. Mar-
shall ; The Princesses, by Mr. Edmund J. Sullivan ;
Old Hastings, by Mr. R. Thorne-Waite ; Rowing to
Windward, by Mr. Napier Hemy, A.R.A.; The Old
Bridge of Gearn, by Mr. Robert Little; Where
Seamaids Ride, by Mr. J. R. Weguelin; The Flying
Buttresses of Beauvais, by Mr. J. H. Lorimer;
and A Rambler Rose, by Mr. A. Parsons, A.R.A.,
were all among the most important of the exhibits.
Mr. D. Y. Cameron’s Tweedside Morning is another
work in which he seeks for strong effects in a
single key of colour; and Mr. James Paterson’s
extreme facility has not betrayed him in his ren-
dering of rare atmospheric conditions in his
separate works. Seldom does anyone paint the
movement of a peacock, though many succeed
with its colour. Mr. Edwin Alexander is one
whom the subtleties of action of the wonderful
bird do not evade, and one of his finest works this
year is certainly the Peacock.

The Royal Society of British Artists have been
holding a very successful exhibition. Canvases
which call for particular mention are A Summer
Night, by Mr. F. F. Foottet; Early Morning, by
Mr. D. Murray Smith; Ibis on an Australian
River, by Mr. E. W. Christmas; Mrs. Wemyss
Muir, by Mr. Edward Patry; The fapanese Cabinet,
by Mr. Denys Wells; On the River Seine, by Mr.
John Muirhead ; Sekoa, by Mr. R. Grenville Eves;
The Path to the Mill, by Mr. Harry Spence;
Folding Time, by Mr. Alfred Hartley; Fresh
Breeze, by Mr. Hayley Lever; Diana's Pool, by
Mr. L. Grier; A Gleam in a Dull Afternoon, by
Mr. A. M. Foweraker; Water Meadows, by the
Countess Helena Gleichen; The Little Chicks, by
Miss Dorothea Sharp; Roses, by Mr. H. Davis
Richter, and The Mirror, by Mr. Joseph Simpson.
The President has never been more interesting
than in his Winter's Morning., Cornwall.

Mr. Walter W. Russell’s show at the Goupil