Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Waagen, Gustav Friedrich
Treasures of art in Great Britain: being an account of the chief collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, illuminated mss., etc. (Supplement): Galleries and cabinets of art in Great Britain — London, 1857

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Lord Overstone's collection — Lord Caledon's pictures — Dowager Lady Wal-
degrave's pictures — Mr. Gladstone's pictures—■ Two Gaspar Poussins
belonging to the Hoare family—■ Mr. St. John Mildmay's collection —-Mr.
Robarts's collection — Artus van der Neer belonging to Lord Shaftesbury
■— Mr. Davenport Bromley's collection — Lord Wensleydale's pictures —
Mr. Edward Cheney's collection — Rev. Mr. Townshend's collection —
Earl Stanhope's pictures — Mr. Cornwall Legh's pictures — Mr. Mar-
shall's pictures — Mr. William Russell's collection — Mr. Beresford Hope's
collection — Mr. Field's collection — Manuscript belonging to Mr. Boxall
— Mr. Tulloch's collection — Mr. Henderson's collection — Collection of
late Mr. James — Objects of art belonging to Mr. Felix Slade.

2, Carlton Gardens.

This choice collection contains more especially a series of chefs-
d'oeuvre of the Dutch school, proceeding, in great measure, from
the well-known gallery of Baron Verstolk at the Hague. Lord
Overstone also possesses admirable specimens of the Italian,
Spanish, French, and English schools, which are seen to great
advantage in the fine apartments of his London residence.

the libraey.

Peter de Hooghe.—View of the back court of a house,
having an open door at the end of it, with an ascent of two steps
to enter a garden. Near the centre of the court is seated a
gentleman about to enjoy his tankard and pipe, with which a
woman standing before him has provided him. He has invited
her to take a glass, which she is in the act of drinking. At the
same time a child is crossing the court with a pot of embers in her
hand. On canvas. 2 ft. 4 in. high, 1 ft. 11 in. wide. This
master, who is the painter of sunlight jxir excellence, appears in
this beautiful picture in the, highest perfection of his powers.
Although treated upon the whole on a scale of cool harmony, yet
he has happily avoided all monotony by the introduction of the
red petticoat of the woman, which is repeated in delicate gradations
in the different planes of distance by the window shutter and by