Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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masses of silver ore, from Ireland, Cornwall, and countries
far over sea, are also shown. A large proportion of the
silver of commerce is obtained from the ores of other
metals and from these therefore proceed the rich display
of plate which is to be seen in various parts of the Ex-

To °-ive the names merely of the British contributors of
silver plate would* occupy more space than we can spare
on this occasion : we shall therefore content ourselves with
noticing a few of the most prominent.

From the contributions of Messrs. Morel, of New Bur-

finffton-street, our first illustration is selected; and for

race of form and delicacy of execution it is remarkably

Mr. Hancock also exhibits another group in silver, on
ebony pedestal, the subject of which is the legend of Pu.L^n
Hood contending foi the golden arrow, and another rej re-
senting Guy Earl of Warwick struggling with a dragon.

Among the beautiful collection of Messrs. Gass, of
Regent-street, will be observed a silver dessert sen ice,
of an entirely novel character, consisting of four pieces,
each representing different species of aquatic plants,
modelled from water-plants growing in Kew-gardens, the
leaves -ibrmirg dishes. Or.e of the pieces repirsents the
. eautiful and graceful nyriphcca ihermalis, or Ilungaria;
;\ ater-lfy, in flower, springing from rock-work, on which
a e grov. ing several rock ph.nts. The second is the rie;



happy. This firm have an equestrian statue of Queen
Elizabeth in silver, the peculiarity of which consists in
the fact that it is entirely embossed and worked out with
the hammer. Centre-pieces of elaborate design and work-
manship, cups, vases, and table ornaments ; together with
an exquisite bouquet composed of unique rubies and
diamonds separated into various ornaments, make up al-
together a most splendid display.

From the collection of Messrs. Smith and Nicholson,
which consists of vases, candelabra, centre pieces, cups
salvers, Suinmerley' s art-manufacture, and the Macready
testimonial designed by Messrs. B. Smith and C. Grant
we select the subject of our second engraving, which as a

woik of art, reflects great credit on both artist and work-
man. *vwx^

Mr C. Fk Hancock, of Bruton-street, exhibits a great
variety of ornamdntal articles, among which is a group in
massive silver on an oak pedestal of the Tudor period*


nymphce-a rubra, or red water-lily of the East Indies. The
third is modelled after the calladium^ and the fourth, after
the dillinea speciosa.

Mr. Emanuel, of Hanover-square, exhibits a splendid
silver pendule, surmounted by a figure of Apollo driving
the chariot of the sun, drawn by four hu ses, and supported
by the Four Seasons. In the frieze are represented tin
Four Winds, and in the front of the dial the figure of
Time recumbent, the whole designed and modelled by

Messrs. Hunt and Boskell make a great and magnifi-
cent show. This collection is worthy a palace, and is
a source of great attraction in the central south gallery,
where works in gold and silver of enormous value aie
deposited. Here will be found the splendid testimonial in
silver, designed by Sir George Hayter, and modelled under
the direction of Mr. E. H. Baily, R.A., presented a short
time since to Sir Moses Montefiore by members of the