Archäologie und Informationssysteme
No doubt the ADS Charging Policy will continue to
evolve as we gain more practical experience, informed
by ongoing studies into preservation costs (Beagrie
2008; 2009). Indeed an opportunity to refine the po-
licy has been recently afforded in the SWORD ARM
project (http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/research/
swordarrri) in which we are hoping to achieve on line
deposition and some degree of automation which
may allow us to reduce ingest element of our costs.
Nevertheless, the principle of a one-off deposit
Charge, passed onto research funding bodies, state
heritage organisations, and commercial developers,
has been demonstrated to be robust.
References Cited
Archaeology Data Service (ADS)
2007 Charging Policy. 4th edition. Julian Richards,
Catherine Hardman and Tony Austin, Electronic docu-
ment, http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/advice/
chargingPolicy, accessed 11/06/2012.
2009 Preservation Policy. Electronic document,
vation/PreservationPolicyVI .3.1 .pdf,
accessed 11/06/2012.
Austin, Tony, Jonathan Bateman, Stuart Jeffrey, Jen
Mitcham, and Kieron Niven (edited by Kieron Niven)
2011 Marine Survey. A Guide to Good Practice.
Archaeology Data Service/ Digital Antiquity Guides to
Good Practice. http://guides.archaeologydataservice.
ac.uk/g2gp/RSMarine_Toc accessed on 11/06/2012.
Austin, Tony and Jen Mitcham 2007 Preservation and
Management Strategies for Exceptionally Large Data
Formats: 'Big Data', http://archaeologydataservice.ac.
1.3.pdf, accessed 11/06/2012.
Austin, Tony, Damian J. Robinson, and Keith A. West-
2001 A digital future for our Excavated Past. In
Computing Archaeology for Understanding the Past:
CAA 2000, edited by Zoran Stanüiä and Tatjana
Veljanovski, pp.289-296, BAR International Series
931, ArcheoPress, Oxford.
Beagrie, Neil
2008 Keeping Research Data Safe. Electronic docu-
ment, http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/reports/
accessed 11/06/2012.
2009 Keeping Research Data Safe 2: The Identifica-
tion of long-lived digital datasets for the purposes of
costanalysis. Electronic document, http://www.jisc.ac.
safe2.aspx, accessed 11/06/2012.
Kuipers, Tom and Jeffrey van der Hoeven 2009
PARSE.Insight: INSIGHT into issues of Permanent
Access to Records of Science in Europe. Survey
Report. Electronic document,
http://www.pa rse-insight.eu/publications.php#d3-4,
accessed 11/06/2012.
Perrin, Kathy 2002 Archaeological Archives:
Documentation, Access and Deposition. A Way
Forward. English Heritage. Electronic document,
archives.PDF, accessed 11/06/2012.
Richards, Julian D. 2008 Managing digital preserva-
tion and access: The Archeology Data Service. In
Managing Archaeological Resources: Global context,
national programs, local actions, edited by Francis P.
McManamon, Andrew Stout and Jodi A. Barnes, pp.
173-194. One World Archeology 58, Left Coast Press,
Walnut Creek, CA.
Archäologie und Informationssysteme
No doubt the ADS Charging Policy will continue to
evolve as we gain more practical experience, informed
by ongoing studies into preservation costs (Beagrie
2008; 2009). Indeed an opportunity to refine the po-
licy has been recently afforded in the SWORD ARM
project (http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/research/
swordarrri) in which we are hoping to achieve on line
deposition and some degree of automation which
may allow us to reduce ingest element of our costs.
Nevertheless, the principle of a one-off deposit
Charge, passed onto research funding bodies, state
heritage organisations, and commercial developers,
has been demonstrated to be robust.
References Cited
Archaeology Data Service (ADS)
2007 Charging Policy. 4th edition. Julian Richards,
Catherine Hardman and Tony Austin, Electronic docu-
ment, http://archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/advice/
chargingPolicy, accessed 11/06/2012.
2009 Preservation Policy. Electronic document,
vation/PreservationPolicyVI .3.1 .pdf,
accessed 11/06/2012.
Austin, Tony, Jonathan Bateman, Stuart Jeffrey, Jen
Mitcham, and Kieron Niven (edited by Kieron Niven)
2011 Marine Survey. A Guide to Good Practice.
Archaeology Data Service/ Digital Antiquity Guides to
Good Practice. http://guides.archaeologydataservice.
ac.uk/g2gp/RSMarine_Toc accessed on 11/06/2012.
Austin, Tony and Jen Mitcham 2007 Preservation and
Management Strategies for Exceptionally Large Data
Formats: 'Big Data', http://archaeologydataservice.ac.
1.3.pdf, accessed 11/06/2012.
Austin, Tony, Damian J. Robinson, and Keith A. West-
2001 A digital future for our Excavated Past. In
Computing Archaeology for Understanding the Past:
CAA 2000, edited by Zoran Stanüiä and Tatjana
Veljanovski, pp.289-296, BAR International Series
931, ArcheoPress, Oxford.
Beagrie, Neil
2008 Keeping Research Data Safe. Electronic docu-
ment, http://www.jisc.ac.uk/publications/reports/
accessed 11/06/2012.
2009 Keeping Research Data Safe 2: The Identifica-
tion of long-lived digital datasets for the purposes of
costanalysis. Electronic document, http://www.jisc.ac.
safe2.aspx, accessed 11/06/2012.
Kuipers, Tom and Jeffrey van der Hoeven 2009
PARSE.Insight: INSIGHT into issues of Permanent
Access to Records of Science in Europe. Survey
Report. Electronic document,
http://www.pa rse-insight.eu/publications.php#d3-4,
accessed 11/06/2012.
Perrin, Kathy 2002 Archaeological Archives:
Documentation, Access and Deposition. A Way
Forward. English Heritage. Electronic document,
archives.PDF, accessed 11/06/2012.
Richards, Julian D. 2008 Managing digital preserva-
tion and access: The Archeology Data Service. In
Managing Archaeological Resources: Global context,
national programs, local actions, edited by Francis P.
McManamon, Andrew Stout and Jodi A. Barnes, pp.
173-194. One World Archeology 58, Left Coast Press,
Walnut Creek, CA.