Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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hereafter placed: however, if words inftead of
things muft be the object of his itudy, it is, cer-
tainly, of as much importance that he fhould be
able to clothe his thoughts in the habit of his own
country as in that of any other ; a living language
is, at Icaft, of as much ufe as a dead one ; and
it has been but too often remaked, that many an
artift, who could exprefs his ideas with uncom-
mon delicacy and perfpicuity on canvafs, has fo
ill iucceedcd, when attempting to defcribe them on
paper, as to incur no frnall (hare of ridicule, from
the eoarfenefs and obfeuritv of his diction.

The fubjects fir ft propofed to the pupil's attention
will be found to influence his future practice more
than may be eafiiy imagined. Firft inpreffions fink
deep and laft long; and ill habits, acquired in the
early part of life will fometimes adhere too clofely
to be entirely removed bv the ftrongeft exertions of
maturcr judgment ; it will be, therefore, neceffary
to be careful that the works of none but eminent
matters be put into his hands. Every figure, nay
every ftroke, given him as a pattern, fhould be maf-
tcrly, that he may be familiarized to beauty, tafte,
and fvmmetry.

Experience has evinced, that more real improve-
ment will accrue to the learner from bein^ ufed to
copy things in relief than Irom copying drawings;
he will, by this method, become acquainted with
the principles of light and fhade, and the nature of
the clear obfeure; bv the magic force of which,
the paintings of Parrhafius were termed realities;
and the fingers of Apelles' famed Alexander (in
the character of Jupiter the Thunderer) feemed to
fhoot forward, while the lightning appeared to flafh
from them.
