Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 15.2015

DOI Artikel:
Adamski, Jakub: The influence of 13th - and 14th century English architecture in the Southern Baltic region and Poland
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The Influence of 13^- and 14^-century English Architecture...

many details of the residence has no comparison on the Continent and has never
been properly explained, even if we note that it owes much to the creative origi-
nality of its architect. One of the most striking features of his idiosyncratic style
is a consistent use of detached polygonal colonnettes on the external elevations of
the Palace. They are inserted in the partially interrupted stripes of solid walls at the
level of huge rectangular windows so that more light is let into the piano noMCT
They also appear in the Tall Hallway (Fig. 11), both in the window wall and in the
small internal porch leading to the Summer Rcmfcr, as well as in the deep window
jambs of the Low Hallway. Once again, there are no comparable forms in the con-
temporary architecture on the Continent. In turn, we may recall a striking English
analogy: the internal arrangement of the aforementioned magnificent porch of St
Mary Redcliffe at Bristol, characterised by Bony as having "spatial magnificence"
and being "a typical example of the new style of spatial dramatization"^ (Fig. 12a).
Despite all the differences, its octagonal shafts, applied to the residual parts of the
richly perforated strips of the wall, as well as the general sharpness of the upper
storey of the porch, may have acted as a source of inspiration for the Malbork

41 Cf. J. Jarzewicz, Malhorshi Pałac Wlelhlch Mistrzów, p. 165. The eastern elevation of the Palace is
a faithful reconstruction from 1823 based on numerous remnants; see: M. Kilarski, Odbudowa
1 kouserwac/a zespołu zamkowego w Malborku w lotach rp43-zooo, Malbork 2007, p. 20.
42 J. Bony, The English Decorated Style, p. 38.

12. a. Bristol, St Mary Red-
cliffe, interior of the north-
ern porch; b. Lincoln Cathe-
dral, supposed remnants of
the shrine of bishop John
Dalderby. Photo: author