Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 15.2015

DOI Artikel:
Adamski, Jakub: The influence of 13th - and 14th century English architecture in the Southern Baltic region and Poland
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plausible that it is again a result of the English
inspiration. Perhaps decisive for the creation
of such rib pattern are the vaults of the nave
aisles at Lincoln Cathedral (c. 1230), repeated
in the aisles of the Angel Choir (1256-1280)^
and characterised with additional tiercerons
placed along the longitudinal axis and lack
of lateral ridge ribs. A vault identical to that
at Golub was erected after c. 1265 in the Lady
Chapel of Chester Cathedral. In the 14* cen-
tury it appeared, this time with ridge ribs in
the lateral webs, in the southern transept of
the aforementioned Benedictine Church at
Pershore (c. 1300-1310), and in a monumental
version in the nave of the Worcester Cathe-
dral (1377; Pig. 20)^.
The external appearance of the Golub
choir with a decorative treatment of the stair
turret and pinnacle-crowned buttresses bears
an unmistakable resemblance to the great-
est architectural achievement in the State of
the Teutonic Order - the choir of St Jamess
Church in the New Town of Toruń (1309-
-c. 1320)^. This proves the architectural am-
bitions of the church investors, in this case -
almost certainly the Knights, who ruled this
strategically important town which was over-
shadowed by their magnificent castle. In this
context, the presence of a prestigious English
vaulting pattern at Golub may be explained by the same ambitious motivation.
In the 15^ century, various architects from the Southern Baltic area became inter-
ested in the novelties of English lierne vaults, which they probably treated as an alter-
native to the typical and already widely disseminated tierceron star vaults. Besides, it
must be emphasised that they were rather uninterested than unaware of Peter Parler s
vaulting experiments in Prague, decisive to the future development of the figurative
vaults in the southern and western regions of the Holy Roman Empire*^.

20. Worcester Cathedra),
vautt of the nave. Photo:

66 S. Kramer, Herrscha/th'che Grahiege unci iokaier Heiiigeakait. Architektur des eagiischea "Deco-
rated Sty/e", Munchen-Berlin 2007, pp. 219-222.
67 T. Mroczko, Architektura gotycka, pp. 278-280; f.T. Frazik, Sklepienia gotyckie, pp. 12-13;
cf.: N. NuBbaum, S. Lepsky, Das gotische Gewolhe, pp. 187-188; U. Engel, Die Kafke^raZe von
Worcester, Munchen-Berlin 2000 (= Kunstwissenschaftliche Studien, 88), p. 172.
68 Cf. A. Soćko, Dklady emporowe, p. 134. About the Toruń Church, see J. Adamski, The Pseudo-
polygonal Bih Vaults, St. /amesh'n Torah and the Qaestz'oa q/Tllusionism h? Gothic Architecture,
"Artibus et Historiae", 65, 2012, pp. 275-305.
69 A notable exception to that observation is the "Cathedral" rib network in the nave of St Cath-
erines Church at Brandenburg an der Havel, erected according to the plans most probably by
Hinrich Brunsberg, (c. 1381-1440S) (see U. Gentz, Der Tfalleauaigaagschor in der stadtischen
Backsteiaarchitektur ATifteiearopas 1330-1300. T'iae kunstgeographisch vergieichende Studie,
Berlin 2003 [= Studien zur Backsteinarchitektur, 6], pp. 296-303 [with older literature]).

The Influence of 13^- and 14'Wentury English Architecture...
