Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 15.2015

DOI Artikel:
Adamski, Jakub: The influence of 13th - and 14th century English architecture in the Southern Baltic region and Poland
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24. Gosławice, St Andrew,
ground ptan. Drawing:
25. Gosławice, St Andrew,
vauitofthe centra} octagon.
Photo: M. Potocki

It was founded around 1418 by the Bishop
of Poznan Andrzej Łaskarz and was prob-
ably finished around the founders death in
1426^. It was conceived as an intentional copy
of the Anastasis Church in Jerusalem, which
is to be clearly seen in its unique octagonal
plan with four rectangular annexes (Fig. 24).
It is an outcome of the bishops pilgrimage to
the Holy Land between 1409 and 1411, as well
as his stay at the Council of Constance in the
years 1415-1418, when he certainly visited the
chapel of St Maurice - a icA-century copy of
the Holy Sepulchre^.
Although the central octagon with a slen-
der polygonal pier at Gosławice bears a gen-
eral resemblance to the English chapter houses, it has been acknowledged by
the Polish scholars that this is only a coincidental feature, as the church owes its
shape to the long tradition of octagonal copies of the Nevertheless, it
is beyond question that the majority of Gosławice vaults are of the English origin
and that they were constructed by a workshop trained in the Prussian State of
the Teutonic Order^, where the English influence had been present since the
second quarter of the 14^ century.

The crossing vault at Chełmża Cathedral,
though much simpler in its composition, is
clearly one of the very first continental re-
sponses to the aforementioned vaulting ex-
periments in England. It preserves all the prin-
cipal ribs of a four-pointed star vault, but the
central motif of an inscribed lierne cross is
compositionally dominant, even more that the
tiercerons are slightly broken at the intersec-
tions with the liernes.
Second among the earliest vaults of the
analysed type is the exceptional church of
St Andrew at Gosławice in Greater Poland.

82 A. Grzybkowski, Kościół w Gosławicach. Zagadnienie genezy, "Kwartalnik Architektury i Ur-
banistyki" 16,1971, pp. 270-274.
83 Ibidem, pp. 281-308; idem, Kościoły w Gosławicach i Miszewie fako posrednze kopie Anasta-
sis, in: P. Paszkiewicz, T. Zadrożny (eds.), /erozoizmn w kulturze europejskie;, Warszawa 1977,
pp. 155-168 [reprinted in: idem, Miedzy o znaczeniem. Studia z ikonografii architektury
i rzeźby gotyckiej, Warszawa 1997, pp. 120-138]; J. Kowalski, Gotyk wielkopolski. Architektura
sakralna XPfl-XVb wieku, Poznań 2010, pp. 159-179.
84 A. Grzybkowski, Kościół w Gosławicach, pp. 298-299; J.T. Frazik, Sklepienia żebrowe w Polsce
XV wieku, in: P. Skubiszewski (ed.). Sztuka i ideologia XV wieku. Materiały sympozjum Komitetu
Nauk o Sztuce Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa 1-4 grudnia 1976, Warszawa 1978, pp. 530-531;
J. Kowalski, Gotyk wielkopolski, pp. 165-170,173-179.
85 Cf.: J.T. Frazik, Zagadnienie sklepień, p. 12; idem, Sklepienia żebrowe, pp. 530-531; M. Kutzner,
Wielkopolska, Kzijawy, ziemie łęczycka i sieradzko-wieluńska, in: T. Mroczko, M. Arszyński (eds.),
Architektura gotycka w Polsce, vol. 1, p. 163; J. Kowalski, Gotyk wielkopolski, p. 170.



Jakub Adamski