Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 15.2015

DOI article:
Adamski, Jakub: The influence of 13th - and 14th century English architecture in the Southern Baltic region and Poland
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27. Seeon, Benedictine
Church, ground ptan. Draw-
ing: author

aisles of St Stephens church at Braunau am
Inn^. It is now obvious that the lierne rib
constructions at Chełmża and Gosławice
from the 1420s predate the earliest Bavar-
ian examples, being perhaps the first on the
Continent. In fact, such constructions had
indeed appeared early in Southern Ger-
many, even before Krumenauer started
his activity. A first-hand knowledge of the
English West Country works of William Joy is appar-
ent at the Benedictine church at Seeon (Fig. 27), rebuilt
in the years of 1428-1433 by Konrad Biirkel, the most
important representative of the so-called Burghausen
Workshop^h He covered the 12^-century nave with
a barrel with side penetrations decorated with a triple
parallel rib network, which was obviously a copy of
the Lady Chapel vault at Ottery St Mary (after 1337;
Fig. 28)^. In turn, in a rectangular bay between the
nave and the choir, Biirkel constructed a four-pointed
star vault with an inscribed lierne cross with triangular
endings set symmetrically with short exten-
sions based on the top of the formerets. The
original appearance of this composition was
altered around 1579 when some of the ribs
were removed. This is the first almost literal
copy of the aforementioned nave vault of
the Canterbury Cathedral. The only differ-
ence is that at Seeon the lowest sections of
diagonals, the ridge ribs and the additional
lateral tiercerons are missing.
The Bavarian church of the Benedic-
tines might have played an important role
for the middle-i5*-century figured vaults in
Cracow, the capital of the region of Lesser
Poland and the Kingdom of PolandW In
that period, the architectural landscape of
the city was dominated by some minor un-
-dertakings, like chapels, private oratorios,
porches or new decorative rib vaults. The first of these were erected as early as the
1430s, chiefly thanks to the foundation activity of Bishop (and from 1449 cardinal)

28. Ottery St Mary, vautt
of the Lady Chapet. Photo:
29. Ground ptans: a. Cra-
cow, St Mary, choir (originat
state); b. Cracow-Kazimierz,
St Catherine, choir. Draw-
ing: author

90 Cf. P. Crossley, Peter Parier and England, p. 166, n. 51 on p. 177.
91 N. NuRbaum, Die sogenannte Bargdaasener Baascdale. Anmerkangen zar ostdayeriscden Spat-
gotik and idrer Brfbrscdany, "Ostbairischei Grenzmarken", 26, 1984, pp. 85-87; N. NuRbaum,
German Godne Cd a red Arcditectare. PranstafedA*ew tde German dy Scott Kieager, New Haven-
-London, 2000, pp. 181-182.
92 P. Crossley, Peter Parter and England, pp. 164-165.
93 Cf.: I- Adamski, Narty stylowe późnogotyckicd sklepień w Krakowie. Przekrycia cdórów kościołów
Mariackiego, Aagastianów i Dominikanów,"Biuletyn Historii Sztuki" 75,2013, no. 2, pp. 175-212;
idem, Remote Artistic Connections, pp. 95-114.



Jakub Adamski