Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 15.2015

DOI article:
Adamski, Jakub: The influence of 13th - and 14th century English architecture in the Southern Baltic region and Poland
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executed by him in a truly monumental version in the choirs of St Marys and
St Catherines.
In the second half of the 15* century, in the entire Kingdom of Poland, which
after the Thirteen Years'War in 1466 incorporated the former lands of the Teu-
tonic Order along the Vistula, various patterns of decorative lierne vaults with
inscribed crosses became widely disseminated, and hence there was no need to
explain them as having insular influences**^. How quickly they proved to become
one of the most popular rib patterns is perhaps best shown by St Johns Church in
Gdansk, which had been covered with rich and varied lierne vaults by 1465**^.
Curiously enough, an interest in the 14^-century English Decorated vaulting
patterns reappeared at the end of the 15* century again in and around Gdansk,
the richest Polish trade and harbour city and at that time a blooming centre of
Late Gothic architecture**^. After 1496, when the roofs and gables of the newly
built rectangular choir of the Carmelite Church (begun in 1482) were finished,
its interior was covered with a rich lierne vault**^ (Figs. 31a, 32). Its composition

32. Gdańsk, Carmetite
Church, vautt (pre-war sta-
te). Photo: author's archive
33- Ety Cathedra!, vault of
the choir. Photo: author

103 Cf.: 1-T. Frazik, Sklepienia żebrowe, pp. 521-531; idem, Sklepienia gotyckie, pp. 18-25; I- Kowalski,
Goiyk wielkopolski, pp. 359-376.
104 1-T. Frazik, Sklepienia gotyckie, p. 19; I. Strzelecka, A. Wlodarek, Gdansk. Kościółpar. p.w. sw. /ana
Chrzciciela, in: T. Mroczko, M. Arszyński (eds.), ArdnYekfnra gotycka w Polsce, vol. 2, pp. 75-76.
105 Cf.: T. Chrzanowski, M. Kornecki, Pomorze Wschodnie, in: T. Mroczko, M. Arszyński (eds.),
Architektura gotycka w Polsce, vol. 1, pp. 107-109; A. Miłobędzki, Danzigs architektonische Biihne;
1430-1800, in: T. Grzybkowska (ed.), Danziger Kanst vom 13. his 18. /ahrhandert, Gdańsk 1997,
pp. 13-34; C. Herrmann, Mittelalterliche Architektur im Preasseniand, pp. 169-174.
106 H. Domańska, Gdansk. Kościół p.w. proroków Eliasza i Elizeusza, karmelitów, in: T. Mroczko,
M. Arszyński (eds.), Architektura gotycka w Polsce, vol. 2, pp. 80-81. Józef Frazik (Sklepienia
gotyckie, p. 24) thought that the vault was constructed much later, i.e. after 1577 (the supposed,
but much too late date of the construction of a similar vault at Pruszcz Gdański) (cf. S. Becker-

The Inftuence of 13^- and 14^-century Engtish Architecture...
