Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Novensia: Studia i Materiały — 10.1998

DOI Artikel:
Donevski, Peti V.: Inner arrangement of the camp at Novae
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Peti Donevski


In this short report I will try on the grounds of the found until now inner build-
ings and streets at Novae and analogies with other legion camps to make a con-
ventional for the moment arrangement of our camp. It is oriented north-south and
has dimensions 486 x 365 m. Viaprincipalis divides the fortress into two uneąual
parts the ratio between the praetentura and the retentura being 1:2,5. In theprae-
tentura three streets were found: via praetoria, another which passes west of the
valetudinarium, and a third one which divides the praetentura into two parts in
east-west direction (Fig. 1). In the front northern part the valetudinarium was found,
and in the back — officers’ houses. In the front scamnum of the retentura the
principia were found, and west of it there was the legionary bath. In the space
between two streets, south of the principia a building of dimensions 35 x 18 m and
chain-situated chambers were discovered. We shall view its function later. In the
north-western corner of the camp T. Sarnowski places six barracks1, which I find re-
asonable and will view the reasons further.
From the few completely known legion camps, when speaking of the place of the
barracks, we distinguish two main types. To the First belong those which barracks
form something like a frame around the rest of buildings, so that the soldiers could
get to the fortress wali using the shortest way. This type could be seen in Inchtuthil,
Novaesium, and Lambesis, and probably in Deva, Vetera, Noviomagus, and
Vindonisa. The second type is known from Carleon, Lauriacum and Carnuntum.
The barracks there are in the lst, 3rd and 5th scamnum2. The first scheme helped
the faster taking of a defensive position, and the second one facilitated the ar-
rangement technically. To which type does the camp at Novae belong? I think to the
First one and will try to prove this.
If we use as a module the area of the valetudinarium, and at the moment I doirt
see any other supporting point, in the front scamnum of the praetentura we could
place three cohort blocks with dimensions 83 x 73 m. For the information, in
the camps which have close dimensions with the one atNovae, i.e.: Noviomagus,
Carnuntum and Durostorum, the cohort blocks have similar dimensions. In the
back scamnum the ofFicers’ houses are located which is normal and could be