Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Os Reputation and Carriage, 263
was enaRed, (contrary unto antient Edi&) or were
privy to the eating of any at any Gentlemans Table,
should be imprisoned and tortured after a grevious
manner. Beside,he afflicted the Country marvelloussy,
by disper/ingmany thousands os Dogs to be kept and
brought up in Villages and among the PaLsa&ts,to their
infinite trouble and charge. Mahomet Son to Amur ath>
on the contrary, when he made war in Car*mamay ^ 7e
turned out of service 700. of his fathers Faulconers,
and caused as many of old Huntsmen to follow Armes,
and his Camp, instead of the kennel.
Of bodily Exercise in General,as it was used among
the Antients, both Grecians and. Romans 3 and to
what purpose 3 See Learned Hieron. Mercurials: in
his books, De art? Gymnasiica : where this matteris
fully handled, both Physically (which was his pro-
fesiion:) and Philologically 5 wherein he was not les&
**Tr in r t ~'.. - 1 - ill - ~ 1
Of Reputation, and Carriage m
THere is no one thing that setteth a fairer stamp m
on Nobility than evenness of Carriage, and ca
of our Reputation, without which our mofi gracef?-.
gifts are dead and dull, as the Diamond without hi,
foile: for hereupon as on the Frontispiece of a magi t
ficent Pallace, are fixed the eyes of all passengers, an <
hereby the heigth of our Judgments ( even our selv-
is taken; according to that of the wise man, By gatr}
laughter, and apparell^a man is kytown what he is* Where-
sore l call it the Crown of good parts, and loadstone Ecclesiastk*
ofregard. The principallmeans to preserve it, isXew-
perancey and that Moderation os the mind? wherewith