Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Drawing and Limning*

Vi&ory sas HelidoYus reports) wasexpressed by thd
Antients in the form of a Lady, clad all in Gold,in one
hand a Helmet,m the other a Pomgranate, by the Hel-
met was meant force and strength of the body ; by the
Pomgranate unity of wit and counsel : in the Meddals
of Osiavius,lhe is portraiced with wings hand mg upon
abase, in one hand a Palme, in the other a Crown of
Gold, with these words, Asia recepta.
The Sea Vi&ory of Vespasian, was a Lady holding
a Palme in her hand, at her foot the Prow of a
The same Vespasian caused alsoa Columetobe ere-
cted in jRowe, upon whose top there was the prow of a
Ship, which being called in Latin Rojirum, gave the
name to the common pulpit or pleading place in Rome,
where those excellent Orations of Tullius Hortensius
and others were made, being framed and builc os the
prow of those ships of Avi'um,which the Romans over-
threw and took in the River os Tiber, in memory os
so notable a Vi&ory.
The Vistory by Land of Vespasian, was a Lady win-
ged, writing these words in a shield (near a Palm tree)
jtidaa Capta.
Titus his son, gave her without wings, (as Pausanlas
reports the Athenians did, who drew her piniondJ
because Ihe could not ssye away,but ever remain wi.h
Augufius would have her with wings ready to ssye,
{landing upon a Globe,with a Garland of Bayes in one
hand, in the other the Cornet os the Lmperonr, with
this word, Imperator Ctisar.
Lucius Venus, drew Vi&ory in the form of a tall
5ouldier, a Helmet upon his head, in his right hand a
£pear,in his left hand a Trophey laden with thcspoils
os the enemy,
