Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Editor]; Zakład Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Editor]
Porta Aurea: Rocznik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego — 15.2016

DOI article:
Tylicki, Jacek: Obraz Zesłanie Ducha Świętego z ołtarza głównego kościoła św. Brygidy w Gdańsku: Komunikat
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Jacek Tylicki early-18lh-century altar (reconstructed in mid-19th century), and probably darkened on
the surface, must be completely rejected. In spite of its rather poor current condition,
the picture displays expert painterly handling and formal traits dating it - as does the
mixed tempera/oil techniąue - indeed back to the early 17th century. It was not exe-
cuted by Han, however: the oeuvre of this artist displays much softer brushworks and
warmer colours. The details of the discussed pictorial composition allow to attribute
it rather to another prominent local master of the period: Isaac van den Blocke (before
1589 - after 1624), whose signed Amnesty from the MainTown City Hall in Gdańsk (1611),
now lost, showed close affinities with the painting in ąuestion. Historical circumstances,
namely the refurbishing of St. Bridgets church in 1612-1617, could well point to the
time of the execution of The Pentecost, later probably transferred to the newer altar
in the same church.