Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Vol. XLIL]


[January to June, 1862,


PA.f; E

9 The Freeborn American Citizen’s Privilege.—Presi-
dent or Precedent—in allusion to “ the Trent affair.”

15 Up a Tree.—The determined attitude assumed by England
in the matter of the Trent was thought to have conduced to
the peaceful termination of the difficulty.

20 Warrented Witty.—The Commissioner of Lunacy is the

author of a book called Now and Then.

35 Law and Lunacy.—The inquiry instituted to ascertain the
mental competency of William Frederick Windham, of
Fellbrig Hall, Norfolk, to manage his own affairs, was opened
in the Court of Exchequer by Mb. Samuel Warren, Com-
missioner in Lunacy, and a Special Jury, on the 16th of
December, 1861, and did not close until the 30th of January
following. Thirty-four of the intervening days having been
occupied by the inquiries ; upwards of 150 witnesses having
been examined, and almost all the leading talent of the
English Bar having been heard in support of the various in-
terests involved in the investigation—the costs amounted to
something like £20,000. Windham was found capable of
managing his own affairs, though his conduct was that of a
great fool. He died February 2, 1866, aged 29.

60 Only One Word.—At Hartley Colliery a frightful explo-
sion took place, January 12, and 204 fellow-creatures died a
terrible death.


Too Civil by Half.—Lord Derby and Mr. Disraeli 75
were very complimentary to the Government on the settlement
of the American difficulty.

The Parliamentary Python.—A Pythoness at the 85
Zoological Gardens created much public interest during the
process of incubation, but her eggs proved to be addled.

The O’Mannikin refers to a challenge sent to Sir Robert 95
Peel (then Secretary for Ireland) by the O’Donoghue. Lord
Palmerston would not allow the duel to take place, and all
the town laughed at the folly of sending a challenge now-a-

Gradually making Way.—The late Sir George Lewis, 104

The Popish Organ Nuisance.—The occupation of Rome 167
by the French troops, and the Pore’s countenance of Ferdi-
nand (or Bomba) kept Italy unsettled.

Ben the Bird-Catcher. (Out of Luck.)—The Member for 217
Buckinghamshire had been “soft soddering” the extreme
Liberals, the Irish, and the priesthood.

Dr. Birch and his Young Friends—See Introduction. 237
Mr. Walpole’s Amendment.

The Professor of Allocution.—The Pope had reflected 257
on the conduct of the Emperor Napoleon and the King or
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