Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Fanny (after a morning’s mischief at Grandma’3). 11 Ah! I’ll tell you what. we 'll play at now.

be cross, disagreeable, old Grandma'! ”

You shall be dear, good, little Fanny, and / 'll


We have much pleasure in commending the subjoined extract from
the Times to the notice of fast young men of affluence :—

“ New Year Feasts.—On Thursday, the 2nd inst., Miss Burdett Coutts enter"
tained at a New Year’s dinner more than 300 poor people in the school-rooms of
St. Stephen’s, Westminster. The Bishop of Honolulu was present, with several
clergymen connected with the Abbey and neighbouring parishes of Westminster.”

For a “ lark,” what bit of fun could be finer than that of entertaining
a lot of poor people at dinner, after the manner of Miss Burdett
Coutts ? Such an act of generosity would be just as good a joke as
treating worse than worthless persons in the Haymarket and the pur-
lieus of that objectionable thoroughfare. Sterne wanted to see how
an ass would eat a maccaroon. It would be full as interesting to
observe with what relish a number of paupers would devour turtle-
soup, and drink champagne. To procure the attendance of a Bishop or
two, and some Clergymen, as Miss Coutts did, would be quite a
cheesy idea, and perfectly feasible, for divines cannot but approve of a
banquet arranged exactly according to the directions for a dinner-party
given in a certain professional book supposed to form the peculiar
subject of their studies. Most reverend gentlemen, moreover, like
good dinners, according to Dean Swift, whose lady’s maid in Hamil-
ton’s Bawn observes—

“ I ne’er knew a parson without a good nose. ”

and a dinner combining material with moral goodness would be an
irresistible attraction to the cloth. For want of any more exciting kind
of amusement, it might really be worth the while of any fortunate
youth about Town to try feeding the hungry.

Warrented Witty.

There’s Tittlebat Titmouse, and, sitting to try him
Sam Warren, inquiring de die in diem.

The question’s Is Titmouse as sane as most men r
What fun, if the verdict should be, Now and Then.



Astrology seems to have an attraction for Alderman Humphrey-
One day we find him puffing Zadkiel, and the next putting Raphael
to his purgation. We are half inclined to let the one deed balance the
other, and to forgive the Alderman for his burst of admiration at the
impudent Quack, in consideration of the sharp and steady jobation he
bestowed upon the impudent Jew. In the first case Humphrey called
the attention of the reporter to the fact that the humbug Zadkiel,
who has been “ guessing ” at everybody’s death for the last dozen
years, at last was right in saying that a distinguished person would be
removed in 1861. We were in a rage when we saw Humphrey excited
by such trash, and had just given orders to our own astrologer to
prophesy “a fearful misfortune” for Humphrey himself on thel'oth
August next, only we could not make up our minds whether we should
announce that he would lose his watch, make his nose bleed, or have
his hair cut too short. While we were perpending, we received the
report of the Raphael case. Here an old Jew, who was interrogated
by the Alderman as to the details of a queer looking case, and who
contradicted himself in the most flagrant manner, tried to bully the
Alderman, talked about being insulted, threatened to refuse to reply,
and generally behaved so ill, that it was pleasant to see Humphrey ‘
tackle him. The Alderman was like Rodmond, in the Shipwreck, with
the harpoon over the dolphin :—

“ Humphrey, unerring, o’er his head suspends
The barbed steel, and every turn attends,

Back, for a better cast, a moment drew,

Then, plunging, struck the unconverted Jew.”

The process was so well managed, and Raphael was so neatly pinned,
that we resolved to forgive the Zadkiel nonsense. But no more
puffing of quacks, Alderman Humphrey, or we may have the gift of
prophecy on us.

One for the American Organ.—If there were any rebel Sepoys,
and they set up a paper, why would it resemble an Order of Knight-
hood?—Because it would be the Star of India.
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