Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Towarzystwo Naukowe <Lublin> [Hrsg.]
Roczniki Humanistyczne: Historia Sztuki = History of art = Histoire de l'art — 46.1998(1999)

DOI Artikel:
Pietrzak, Agata: Poglądy estetyczne Jana Kleczyńskiego
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 
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mystic Mystery. It exists in the extrasensory reality, and its source being Absolute Conscious-
ness. Art is a process of giving Beauty a physical and visible shape. Now, beauty exists as
a transcendent being, an idea which remains in direct relation with the Absolute Being. It
derives from the same source as religion and moral obligation. Scraps of beauty are spread
over the world. To collect and fix them is the subject-matter of artistic work.
The question of relationships occurring between art and reality occupies an important place
in the writing of Kleczyński. Reality is the material of art. This is not so that art should
imitate or duplicate reality. Drawing on the inspirations from the really existing shapes, art
creates its own new reality, which is as real as primary. Art is a kind of non-empirical cog-
nition which only may give man a full image of the world understood as a synthesis of
psychical and physical elements, as a spiritual and material union. Only art can reach the
essence of being and discover absolute values. Only art may communicate metaphysical con-
tents and constitute incorporation of the transcendent truths. The artist discovers these truths
via intuition and inspiration derived from the Absolute Consciousness. Thus he becomes
a mediator between people and the Absolute Being.

Translated by Jan Kłos