Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Riou, Stephen
The Grecian orders of architecture: delineated and explained from the antiquities of Athens ; also the parallels of the orders of Palladio, Scamozzi and Vignola — London, 1768

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of ArchheSturc. ■■> \
and gteatness of its parts. The divisions are made from a scalc os modules. The greatcss: dia-
meter of the column, just above the apophyge, is divided into thirty-six parts for two modules.
The bale G. is very peculiar and beautiful; it begins from the bottom with a torus; above
this is a scotia, or hollow, between two fillets; the remainder is divided into several very smalt
mouldings, which convey the idea of several nice folds (a) os a female garment, that is likewisc
indicated by the ssutings os the (hafts. These mouldings are too nice to be executed in com-
mon stonc, but by diminilhing their number, the general profile may (till be preserved, as will
be (hewn in plate IX. for the bales to this order.
The (haft F. is occasionally ornamented with flutings; the {b) number asTigned is twenty-
four; to describe these ssutings and fillets, divide the periphery, or circumference, into twenty -
four equal parts, and one of these again into eight parts, six of which are allowed sor the breadth
of one of the ssutings, and one sor the half of each fillet, as will be seert at large in the next
plate sor the Ionic flutings;
The capital here delineated has great elegance and simplicity ; if we look at the front of it C.
we may observe, that the curvature of die volutes by far surpasfeth that of all others hitherto
described in the works of the beft modern matters, or of any designs collected srom the remains
of Rome; the sweep or undulating lines of the hem that pass over the middle ovolo, is very
graceful ; the situation os the eye of the volute is well chosen, beihg fixed so much nearer to the
lower than to the upper part of the volute, as it would naturally have that propensity in a (c)
buckle of hair, if a bead or ssower was thus placed. The breadth of the spiral fillets is divided
by a channel into two, when die materials are hard enough to bear it.
The semi-profile D. of the side of a volute.* The sulness os the (d) bolsters answers
perfectly well to the front, and the little mouldings or binders are well chosen and properly
The plan E. represenss the bolster of the volute with its binders, with the ovolo and the semi-
nism of the upper part of the Ihast, the diameter thereof js fixed at one module and twelve
K. Sheweth the junction of the two semi-volutes, on the internal angle of the capital of each
angular column.
The entablature A. is nearly that srom the antiquities of Athens. The principal members are
thus measured: M. p.
To the architrave, with its mouldings, ------ \ ■ 9
To the frize, including the little fillet, ------ j ; g
To the cornice, -_-----__----i : 0
Project ure of the cornice, ---------- 1: g
The quantities os the several mouldings may be measured srom the scale of modules, though
we should always recommend a subdivision by equal parts.
It must be remarked, that when there is a pediment, the level drip remains with only its
boultin moulding at top; die fillet immediately next to it in prosile being carried upwards in
the side of the pediment.

{a) Truncoque toto ssrias uli ssolamm rugas, matronal! more demiserunt. Vitr. Lib. IV, c. I.
{b) Striges saeiends sont XXIV. Lib. III. c. 3.
(7) Capitulo volutas, uti capillamento concrispaios c'mcinnos pra: pen denies dextia ac siniilra coUocmrmit, & cymatiis &
carpis pro crinibus dispositis, srontes ornaverunt. Vitr. Lib. IV, c. a,
{d) Pulvinorum baltea. lb. Lib. 111. c. 3.

