Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Riou, Stephen
The Grecian orders of architecture: delineated and explained from the antiquities of Athens ; also the parallels of the orders of Palladio, Scamozzi and Vignola — London, 1768

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R E M A R K S,


Publick and Private EDIFICES.

General Hints concerning the modern Architecture of Europe.
seme eminent Briti/h Architects.

TH E schools os Italy, wherein (he study os architecture has been constantly encouraged
and cultivated ever since it's revival srom the vestiges os antiquity, have propagated
throughout the mo ft civilized parts os Europe, the methods os adapting the orders to
the defigns os public and private edifices; however, as the great and eflential beauties in this art,
do not result srom the parts os a design taken separately, but from the effect and concurrence os them
all, it is not surprizing that there are so sew examples of handsome buildings. In most coun-
tries, the artists and their employers seem to have been ignorant of the general distribution, or
perhaps entertaining a sond partiality sor their own sancisul ornaments and licences, to do honour
to the genius os their native soil, have raised their strudures upon plans and elevations which
partly bear a national character, and by these means the orders os antiquity have been jumbled
with their own uncouth modes : yet it must be pleaded that the accidents os the climates
might at sirst render it somewhat difficult to reconcile the elegancies os architecture with
the methods they had adopted in their barbarous sabrics. The engraver's art has surniihed num-
berless prints os views os disserent places; and in these it may be remarked, as well as in the re-
lations os travellers, that -it this very day it is only in the principal cities os Europe, feme at-
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