Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Museum Narodowe w Krakowie [Hrsg.]
Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie — N.S. 4.2011

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DOI Artikel:
Sozańska, Kinga: Godzinki Ms. Czart. 2944: Dzieło warsztatu Mistrza Rady Miejskiej Rouen
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Kinga Sozańska

The Book ofHours, Ms. Czart. 2944 - Workshop of the Master
of the Rouen Echevinage


The manuscript of The Book oj Hours, stored at the Princes Czartoryski Library in Kraków under cat. no. Ms.
Czart. 2944, is a typical example of works of the Rouen artistic circle at the close of the Middle Ages. The codex
was probably madę for some representatives of the middle class bearing the names: Nicolas and Pierrette, depic-
ted on pages 155 and 157 as the worshippers of Saint Nicolas and Saint Peter. According to tradition, in the 16th
century the manuscript belonged to William de Nassau, Prince of Orange. Based on the entry madę on the first
page of the codex by Izabela Czartoryska in 1812, the prayer book was stored in the Gothic House in Puławy.

It was to be used in the diocese of Rouen, which is signified by the content of the calendar, the text of
the Hours and a litany with calls for local bishop saints - Mellon, Roman and Audoene. The same as the
content of the manuscript, the style of the painting decoration of Ms. Czart. 2944 is also an evidence that
the codex was madę in the Capital of Normandy. Rouens leading illuminator in the latter half of the 15th
century was a painter today known as the Master of the Rouen Echevinage (Maitre de l’Echevinage de
Rouen). His style is characterised by little, pale and stiff figures with large, round eyes, highlighted with
grey shadows. Landscapes are symbolic, reduced to the most basie elements with geometricised shapes.
The Masters palette consists of non-transparent, as if matt colours, with a elear predominance of cool
shades. Intense colours, with prevailing light blue, pink, green and olive brown, are highlighted with the
use of gold hatching. Based on the comparison of the decoration style of the Ms. Czart. 2944 manuscript
with the works of the Master of the Rouen Echevinage, a conclusion can be drawn that the prayer book
from the Princes Czartoryski collection was madę in his workshop. It is confirmed by the analysis of the
iconography of miniatures featured in the codex. Krakows Book ofHours contains a lot of compositions
bearing resemblance to the Solutions used in the workshop of that Master. One of the most typical images
is The Adoration ofthe Baby Jesus (Ms. Czart. 2944, p. 101), which shares similarities with numerous Livres
d’heures dated to around 1470, madę in the atelier of the same illuminator.

Since the manuscript is certainly the work of the Master of the Rouen Echevinage workshop, it must
have been madę sometime between the 1460s and 1480s, when the above-mentioned Master was active.
In the decoration of the margins of Ms. Czart. 2944 one can hnd the beginnings of the motif which be-
came widespread in the last quarter of the century, that is the division of bordures into geometrie fields
with a light or golden background (Ms. Czart. 2944 pp. 193, 205). It seems that around 1470 the work-
shop of the Master of the Rouen Echevinage began to adopt new Solutions, such as the initials madę up
of acanthus leaves (found in Ms. 12 in the Rothshild art collection in Waddesdon Manor, around 1470;
not present in Ms. Czart.) or the bordures with geometrie divisions. The Book ofHours from the Princes
Czartoryski collection probably dates back to the same time. Morę precise dating is unfortunately im-
possible due to the lack of a manuscript bearing a specihc year that could be used as a point of reference.

Krakows prayer book is an example of numerous codices decorated by the workshop of the Master
of the Rouen Echevinage, which have been preserved to this day. That artist had many followers who
imitated his style and compositions in a morę or less competent way. The character of the manuscript
from the Princes Czartoryski Library is close to the work of the Master himself; however, due to quite
strong style stereotypization, its difficult to draw authoritative and finał conclusions. Without doubt,
Ms. Czart. 2944 serves as an excellent example of the Rouen book painting, whose specific, homo-
genous character at the close of the Middle Ages resulted from the thriving activity of the imitators of
the Master of the Rouen Echevinage.