Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 29.1903

DOI issue:
No. 123 (June, 1903)
DOI article:
The Arts and Crafts Exhibition at the New Gallery: fourth notice
DOI article:
Mr. Herbert Draper's painted ceiling: for the Livery Hall of the Drapers' Company
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A Painted Ceiling

Gaskin is always marked by originality of treat- some fine tooling on morocco in Stevenson's

ment, sound workmanship, and excellent taste. "Child's Garden of Verses." Miss Rosamund

Especially notable was their series of gold and Philpott's "Church Towers of Somerset" showed

silver necklaces, chains, and pendants set with excellent judgment in the treatment of a large book

different kinds of jewels, and a dainty little group for table reference. Here also were some interest-

of hat-pins and lace-pins, also with precious stones ing bindings from the Camberwell School of Arts

at the head. A beautiful little mirror in copper- and Crafts, by A. Langford, Roland Hill, G. H.

gilt, set with turquoises, was enamelled by Miss Effie Sweetman, Arthur H. Neate, William Terry, and

Ward. Messrs. Hodel & Weingartner showed,among Frances D. Rye, and a representative group from

many other good exhibits, some excellent silver the Birmingham Guild. The Doves Press, the Pear

buttons—examples of a branch of craft which Tree Press (with Mr. James Guthrie's original and

enamellers and silversmiths might develop to great sombre touch in the designs), the Chiswick Press,

advantage. It is surprising that so little has been the Ashendene Press, and Mr. Douglas CockerelPs

done, especially by women, to beautify these binders had each a few well-chosen examples,

common accessories of dress, while the less together with those of Mr. A. de Sauty and Mr.

essential ornaments, such as brooches, are becom- D. S. and Miss MacColl.
ing tiresome by prolixity. Both the London and

Birmingham Guilds of Handicraft were well repre- Tl ft R- HERBERT DRAPER'S

sented by jewellery of the kind for which they are / \/ 1 PAINTED CEILING. FOR
known, but the former is in some danger of I W 1 TLIE LIVERY HALL OF THE


making a mannerism of what has been aptly called
the " wire and pip" style of design. Mr. W. S.
Hadaway's enamels were again conspicuous in the The late Louis Gallait, a Belgian painter of
decoration of pendants,
belts and clasps; and there
was some careful and
fine work shown by the
Central School of Arts
and Crafts, as well as by
such capable and interest-
ing metal-smiths as Mr-.
Bernard Cuzner and Miss
Gertrude Hildersheim.

A great part of the South
gallery was devoted to
books and their bindings,
which indeed deserve a
separate article, but some
of the more important may
be mentioned here. A
collection of old Chap-
books, bound by Miss G.
de Lisle, at once attracted
notice by its uncommon
shape and thickness, and
the naive charm of its
roughly embossed cover
tied with green ribbons.
Miss Jessie King's fairily-
delicate line-work was at
once recognisable in the
cover-design for "The
Story of Rosalynde," and
Miss Woolnch showed study for the head of juno by Herbert j. draper
