Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 29.1903

DOI Heft:
No. 125 (August, 1903)
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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English Book Illustration of To-Day. By R. G.

D. Sketchley, with an Introduction by Alfred
W. Pollard. (London: Kegan Paul, Trench
& Co.) 10s. 6d. net—The title of this book
is somewhat misleading, for it can scarcely
claim to be truly representative of modem
English book illustration, but is rather a useful
introduction to the subject, such as might well
pave the way for a really exhaustive compilation.
Its preface by the well-known critic of the
work of the past, Mr. Alfred W. Pollard, will be
read with interest by all who care for the quaint
survivals of a time gone by, and the Bibliography
with which the volume closes will be of great
service to the future student of book illustration as
a whole ; but the body of the book does but skim
the surface of a subject of great fascination. On
the other hand, the illustrations, though some of
them are by no means the best examples which
might have been given, include specimens of the
wonderful wood-engravings of Laurence Housmann,
the designs of Walter Crane, Heywood Sumner,
Anning Bell, H. G. Ford, J. G. Millais, Harry
Furniss, and other clever draughtsmen.

Scottish Portraits. A series of one hundred-and-
twenty photogravures. Edited by James L. Caw.
Parts I., II. and III. (Edinburgh: T. C. and

E. C. Jack.) Price, 2\s. each part.—This fine
publication is to be issued in five portfolios, each
containing twenty-four photogravures, and the
edition is limited to 350 numbered copies. Judging
from the first three parts, the series promises to be
a very noteworthy monument to the makers of
Scottish history from the fifteenth down to the
nineteenth century ; but in addition to its historical
interests, students of the development of portrait
painting and of costume will find the work of great
instructive value. The list of artists whose paint-
ings are reproduced includes, amongst many
others, such names as Jamesone, Van Dyck, Lely,
Kneller, Ramsay, Hogarth, Reynolds, Gains-
borough, Romney, Nasmyth, Raeburn, Lawrence,
Hoppner, Chantrey, Wilkie, Geddes, and Sir
George Reid. Mr. James L. Caw, the Curator
of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, has
accomplished the difficult task of selecting the
subjects with marked ability and judgment; while
his biographical notes, critical descriptions of the
paintings, and his introduction, prove him to
possess not only an intimate knowledge of the
work of the portrait painters of past ages, but also
a wide acquaintance with the notable characters of
Scottish history. The admirable photogravures
are the work of Messrs. T. and R. Annan.


The Special Winter Number of The Studio, on
the subject of the Genius of J. M. W. Turner, will
be divided into five sections, dealing respectively
with the pictures in oil, the water-colour drawings,
the monochromes, the Liber Studiorum, and the
engravings after the artist's works. The first
section will be illustrated by means of twenty-four
black-and-white reproductions and three coloured
plates; the second by sixty black-and-white and
eight coloured plates; the third by twenty-three
reproductions, including the noble black-and-white
drawings of the Swiss tour; the fourth by sixteen
facsimile reproductions of rare states, as already
announced; and the fifth by eighteen exact fac-
similes of the steel engravings in the Collection
of Mr. W. G. Rawlinson. The Winter Number will
be published in October.


The Editor of The Studio has arranged to
publish a series of articles on the work of James
McNeill Whistler. In addition to numerous illus-
trations in the text, reproductions in colours of
characteristic works will accompany each article.
The first of the series, dealing with the late artist's
methods of work, will be contributed to the next
number of the magazine by Mr. Mortimer Menpes,
assisted by Mr. Whistler's goddaughter, Miss
Dorothy Menpes.


Design for a Memorial Tablet.
The Prizes in this competition are withheld, as
no designs of real merit have been sent in.

The following receive Honourable Mention :
Nemo (Edward Rouse) ; Pecksniff (William
Pyper, jun.); and Modern (J. J. W. Norris).
Design for a Showcard.
The First Prize (7tw Guineas) has been awarded
to Isca (Ethel Larcombe, Wilton Place, St. James's,

The Second Prize {One Guinea) to Curlew
(L. G. Bird, 3, Minor Canon Row, Rochester).
Hon. Mention : Jak (J. J. Crook).

A Village Church.
This competition has failed, and the prizes
are withheld.
