Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 29.1903

DOI Heft:
No. 124 (July, 1903)
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Awards in "The Studio" prize competitions
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Awards in " The Studio" Prize Competitions

with which it is illustrated are full of character and
refined humour. Especially clever are the portrait
sketches of the " Ogams," as the writer calls her
fellow guests at the Hotel, notably those inscribed
" Meal Considerations," the " Young and Brave,"
the "Two Colonels," "Ursa Major," and "Mal-
content." Mrs. Boyd describes very sympathetically
the simple, frugal life of the Versaillais, recognising
their superiority in certain respects to their con-
temporaries of a similar class in England, and
humorously touching off their peculiarities. .

Fables. By Robert Louis Stevenson. With Six
Etchings by Ethel King Martyn. (London: Long-
mans, Green & Co.) ioj. 6d. net.—The reader of
these fragments, for they are nothing more, cannot fail
to share the frankly expressed opinion of the editor,
that they would probably never have seen the light
had their accomplished author lived to complete
the work for which they were notes. The natural
longing for a touch from a vanished hand, and the
sound of a voice that is still, is the only real excuse
for their publication, and the etchings accompany-
ing them have nothing very distinctive about them.

Moderne Gldser. By Gustav E. Pazaurek.
(Leipzig : Hermann Seemen.)—One of a series of
valuable monographs on modern applied art, this
new volume is as noteworthy as its predecessors for
the thorough grip its author has of his subject.
Richly illustrated, it includes reproductions, some
of them in colour, of the masterpieces of such
modern experts as the Italian Tiffany, the French-
man Emile Galle, and the English firm of Powell,
with a great variety of examples of the work of less
celebrated glass makers. Not content with de-
scribing what is now being done, Herr Pazaurek
gives a complete history of glass-making, explains its
technicalities, and forecasts its future development.

Love Poems and Little Lyrics. By J. A. Middleton.
(London : Limpus & Baker.) zs. net.—A dainty
little volume of sentimental verse interspersed with
bright touches of philosophy and humour. There
is a convincing sense of reality throughout the little
book, and one feels that the charm of old-world
romance still lives in the loves of to-day, despite the
prosaics of the times. The author knows well how
to turn a pretty sentence gracefully, and in perfect
accord with the ethics of verse production. The
little book is exquisitely got up.


As a sequel to " Masters of English Landscape,"
and uniform with it, The Studio will shortly issue
a very fully illustrated special number dealing with
the work and genius of J. M. W. Turner. In order

that complete justice may be done to the artist's
extraordinary versatility, the collaboration has been
secured of expert writers who have made a special
study of his various phases; and the Editor has
been fortunate enough to obtain for illustration,
from private collections and other sources, a number
of hitherto unpublished works of great beauty and
interest. As is usual in the case of Special Numbers
of The Studio, reproductions, in colour will form
an important feature of the publication, and through
the courtesy of the well-known collector, Mr. W. G.
Rawlinson, sixteen facsimile illustrations of rare
states of the " Liber Studiorum," reproduced by a
special process, will be included in the work.


Design for a Pewter Hot-Water Jug or Can.

The First Prize (Two"Guineas) has been won
by Pott (B. L. Smithers, 14 Wakehurst Road,
Wandsworth Common, London, S.W.).

The Second Prize (One Guinea) by Lamp-
lighter (J. P. Hully, New Road, Lancaster).

Hon. Mention: Ajrose (A. W. Shaw) Ymer
(Svante Olsson, Stockholm) ; Tra?np (David
Veazey); Fram (H. C. Hall); Damon (C. J.
Shaw); Lochaber (James Nicoll); and Curlew
(L. G. Bird).

(B XXX.)
Design for a Menu Card.

The First Prize (Two Guineas) has been
awarded to Pan (Fred H. Ball, 83 Scotland Road,
Stanwix, Carlisle).

The Second Prize (One Guinea) to Lsca (Ethel
Larcombe, Wilton Place, St. James's, Exeter).

Hon. Mention : Lsca (Ethel Larcombe); Lady
Peggy (Irene Kaye); Dandelion (Lucy Renouf);
Merry (Thomas Frost); Bloom (T. A. Cook) ;
Elsa (Lilian Crabb); Fan (J. Mitchell); Jak (J. J.
Crook); LLylus (W. E. Tyler); and Alex (A. S.


Design for the Cover of a Souvenir Album.

No drawings of merit were sent in for this
competition; the prizes are therefore withheld,
but they will be offered again in a future number
of The Studio.

Study of a Flowering Shrub.
The photographs sent in for this competition are
so unsatisfactory that no prizes can be awarded.
