Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 29.1903

DOI Heft:
No. 126 (September, 1903)
DOI Artikel:
Wood, Esther: The national competition of schools of art, 1903
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The National Competition

and pleasing, and was prepared intelligently with a
view to printing in the fewest colours—the grey
and green of the background and of the white-
kirtled maiden's gown, with one printing of lemon
yellow upon it, being very cleverly alternated. A
" Cinderella " poster by Frank Quirk (Fenton) was
quite interesting, decorative, and appropriate to its
purpose—to advertise shoes; in this case five
printings are required, and carefully indicated.

Lambeth, Scarborough and Birmingham, took
the lead in black-and-white designs and book

design for silk by w. a. stewart (bradford)

(By permission ofMessrs. Lister 5f Co.)

{Birmingham) calls for praise, chiefly as a fine
piece of colouring, being somewhat thin and
imitative in subject matter. In the lighter vein
again were some designs for the decoration of a
nursery by Eugenie M. K. Richards (Nottingham),
whose majolica plates we have already alluded to.

These were admirably conceived from the decora- '
tive standpoint, and full of juvenile interest; as
were also, in a similar method, her designs for
colour-prints for children's books. The same
student sent the two posters that headed the very
small group of works in this neglected class. Her
design of three little maids sampling a blend of
tea was hardly so original in idea as it was good in design for printed muslin
■execution, but her "soap" poster was both effective by jessie m. browton (watford)

design for an embroidered piano front by lucy smith (battersea)
