Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 29.1903

DOI issue:
No. 126 (September, 1903)
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Studio- Talk

other painting, painting of a
sunny and spontaneous kind
that does him infinite credit.

At the Galleries of the

ll!H ■ Societe des Beaux Arts in

s*~\ jkr^/T^ ^ J *S ^J^"j^*2Jv__,. . - Glasgow some very inter-

\ " ( \ citing work has recently

Mi been seen. A miscellaneous

_j ] I ^fVC™.:^ ' rV~\ Kw exhibition of pictures by

■\ V~_ -_____-'"C->-f. _x___ v S^S \ y\ masters of such varied

| f ••—V;. - f '~- '■—^ - ] powers as Vollon and

j ^jS^J^J^ J V _ S V I '/ Guthrie, Ribot and Monti-

\wl I \Cy/^"''"'^ V X celli could not fail to be

appreciated. By the latter

*^>V\.»i t <C\ \|SSwta\^- /^yl^PS^?") artist was an unusual work,

y / V V^ V"^"—/ / - a restrained and delicate

■ c£\V - portrait of a man; by Guthrie

L_ CD.. \ i V"~—f"*~t^^^^ZZy there was a sober pastel por-

SsJ^^\3i^ i^XS"__-^ trait, and by Ribot two

, m ?TiNrFnBTn works evincing his usual

panel - "the taming of the shrew by j. m. staniforth _ °

sense of quietude and power.

fiVe Cardiff Studio-Talk) J;.

One of these, Sisters,
is illustrated on page 299.

Northern River has earned for the artist a gold Later, at the same galleries, an exceedingly
medal, while the picture has been bought for the fine show of drawings by Joseph Crawhall was
Luxembourg Gallery. arranged, which may be more fully dealt with in a
_ later number of The Studio. And still another

The picture The Land
of Mists, which Mr.
Archibald Kay contributed
to the Royal Scottish
Academy, is a strong and
forceful landscape of no
mean power, and though
it is well seen on the
Academy walls it is not
hung with the discrimina-
tion its merits deserve.
Mr. Kay's work is always
well thought out, accom-
plished and sincere; he
realises the pictorial possi-
bilities of his subjects, and
he paints with feeling
and power. The finely
rendered grey sky and the
searchingly painted water
of The Land of Mists show

that he possesses vigour; \""^ ' f ' y^-'^'~>~^*

that his work has also p tzrf ""'^

charm and delicacy is panel :" king henry iV.»

evident from much of his „ „

(See Cardiff Studio-Talk)

by j. m. staniforth
