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Studio: international art — 33.1905

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Oliver, Maude I. G.: German arts and crafts at the St. Louis exposition
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German Arts and Crafts at St. Lotus

charm of which many travellers declare has repaid hand, the most serious work would be recognised

them for visiting the Exposition. A certain classic as having been accomplished in the " Reception

stateliness pervades this enclosure, which is virtu- Room." Here the walls are made to harmonise

ally in two divisions—one, the central portion, with the series of high gray-stained oak wainscotings,

containing the fountain and basin, and the other, above which and reaching from the floor in formal

the roofed ambulatory encircling the former. In panels extend piers of inlaid woods. In front of

the latter, inviting little semi-enclosures with seats these, stand pedestals, supporting objects of sculp-

and tiny fountains are met with in unexpected ture and art pottery. Then, to fulfil the vertical

corners. The entire architectural conception of precedent of the scheme, the half-cylindrical backs

this court is so complete and yet so unostentatious, of the chairs are panelled on the outside in upright

that it is very nearly flawless. Its lines are well divisions. The floor-covering is green, and the

chosen, and although the walls are white, sufficient arched ceiling is white, stencilled in gold. A like

colour has been introduced, through metals and feeling of unity is sensed in the adjoining room,

tiling, as to contribute to the general atmosphere which is the " Music Room." Here, again, the

of cheerfulness. The suite of six rooms, com- pictorial contribution is incorporated as a portion

prising a " Reception Hall," a " Music Room," of the whole decoration. And in this connection

" Living Room," " Dining Room," " Smoking should be mentioned the strong work in tempera

Room," and " Tea Room" at the head of this by J. V. Cissarz, representing an oarsman guiding

court, are also designed by this architect. The his bark on a limpid sea, that is eloquent in its

same noble dignity that distinguishes the outer blue-green depths.

court, is maintained throughout this group of Near this room, we find the twin rooms by

rooms. If a selection and comparison were to be Prof. Karl Hoffacker, called respectively " Hall "

made between them, the " Tea Room" would be and "Reception Room of an Art Collector."

considered the most trivial, while, on the other These two rooms are heated by grates opening
