Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 33.1905

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Studio- Talk

studio-talk - not startling originality, for a

(From our Own Correspondents) \£c{.'~]ib^& Startling book cover is a vul-

LONDON.— The statu- ▼"-> i.Y garity ; yet perhaps from their

ette called The Chafe- hands has come the most

laine, by Miss Eleanor ' . daring design in recent work.

Fortescue - Brickdale, '*W i We have seen at their bindery

here illustrated, is on view at i'^;-i'>>:l( a book-cover with a peacock

the Leicester Galleries. Made with tail in gold tooling, that

of coloured plaster, it realises >) ^^^,^\ carries that craft about as far

a romantic and reminiscent ■Jn^j.^m as !t has ,)cen taken- The

mood, as of some figure that /; -^.^ftWHWiflS examples which we are enabled

has moved through Scott's VW'K '^^''lt£ t0 8ive nere will show how

novels, the lady of some castle, perfectly they have understood

or the guardian, perhaps, of an " wL, i'^ the beauty that lies in the

imprisoned queen. The gold -V ''f j!; legitimate practice of the art.

pattern worked upon the dress In Southampton Row Messrs.

is carried out with consider- IVJtHPr- ..^V|]BmL Sutcliffe and Sangorski Lave

able boldness, but remains ■^JS' 'V-Ll.-'ft '• a school, and from this school

subordinate to the general HH^^H some of their PuP'ls arc

rich scheme of colour that sending good work; it is

emphasises the careful model- pleasant to know that as long

ling and arrangement of the ' ~ $ • c'^HHv as they study there the right

drapery. """SSbHp?' principles of the art are being

In the exhibits of book- '•'^EZl^. , , Some years ago Messrs.

binding at the various arts HlPIWWiBi^^ Sutcliffe and Sangorski

and crafts exhibitions, our BfRlfll - -*"■'""' bought a large consignment

attention has been aroused by \ ' of Niger skins, no two of which

the vigour with which the art jr are exactly the same in tone;

is being prosecuted, and by and with the insight of true

the fact that the designs seem artists, these craftsmen use

to be getting better in so far as the slight variation as part of

they approach nearer a right their art. We have been

understanding of the limita- privileged to see at their

tions of the art. A truer premises a set of several

knowledge is gradually being volumes of one work bound

arrived at, by experience, of in this leather, and the slight

what is suitable and of what is diversion from uniformity of

in good taste. At the same colour in the volumes is a

time there is a constant - — ,;,,^Z.^.wl,..li,,.li.,^.rr~ thing beautiful in itself; while

reaching out for fresh im- the slight natural stains, which

pulses in design, and whole. the machine-perfection ideal

some attempts are evident of the ordinary binder would

everywhere to make the art a lead him to reject, are by

living art, as it should be in an statuette "the chatelaine" these artists sometimes used

° by eleanor fortescue-brickdale . .

age so great in letters as our to lend a subtle variation

own. Perhaps to Mr. G. to the background of inlaid
Sutcliffe and his partner Mr. F Sangorski, the coloured leathers and gold tooling. The skins
highest praise is to be awarded for the example are brought from Karo, which is about 1,000
they are setting in holding fast to the essential miles up country from Lagos, and the last con-
principles of beautiful binding. They have carried signment brought to this country was about two
their designs perhaps further in the right direction years ago by the Royal Niger Company,

than any modern exhibitors; and they have, at the -

same time, evolved many designs of originality, It must always be remembered that there is