Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The bafts of this pigment is principally chalk ;
and the tinging fubftance cxtra&ed from brafil, or
Campeachy wood. It will not Hand with oil or wa-
ter, and is feldom employed but for the coarfe work
of houfe painters, ar for paper hanging, unlefs fe-
cured from flying with varnifh, when, if good, it
may be fubftituted for lake. It is prepared as
follows :

£: Take brafil wood fix pounds, or three pounds of
£: brafil and three of peachy wood. Boil them an
£: hour with three gallons of water, in which a
£: quarter of a pound of alum is diffolved. Purify
££ then the iluid by draining through flannel ; and
£: put back the wood into the boiler with the fame
£: quantity of alum, and proceed as before: repeat-
s< ing this a third time. Mix then the three quart-
titles of tincture together; and evaporate them
££ till only two quarts of fluid remain : which eva-
t: poration muft be performed fir ft in the pewter
" boiler, and afterwards in a Balneo Marias. Pre-
<; pare in the mean time eight pourids of chalk by
'£ wafhing over ; a pound of alum being put into
': the water ufed for that purpofe, which, after the
'£ chalk is wafhed, muft be poured off and fupplied
£: by a frefh quantity, till the chalk be freed from
" the fait formed by the alum ; after which it muft
'£ be dried to the confiftence of ft iff clay. The
" chalk and tincture as above prepared, muft be
'£ then well mixed together by grinding; and af-
" terwards laid out to dry where neither the fun or
'• cold air can reach it: though, if it can be con-
i: venicnt[v done, a gentle heat may be ufed."
