Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 4.1970

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DOI Artikel:
Bureš, Jaroslav: The Castle Church in Kremnica and the Problem of Michael Chnab's Architectural School in Slovakia
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14. Kremnica —
castle church
three — point star
patterns of the
east bay and
view of the upper
orátory, vanlted
in 1489.

element pointing to St. Vitus’ Parlerian Lodge:
a window tracery with two flame-like shapes.
Upon the whole the elements constituting the
Kremnica reconstruction find their direct con-
terparts — with the exception of the only, above-
mentioned detail57 — in the pre-Parlerian stage
of St. Stephen’s Lodge. If we wanted to associate
the design of the Kremnica twin-naved rebuilding
with the activity of the early Parlerians in Vienna,
we should hâve to assume that the project would
not bear marks of exceptionality resulting from
the traditions of radiating architecture,58 but
would rather adhéré to the type which is repre-
sented, let us say, by the double-naved church
in Třeboň.59 Yet, Kremnica and Třeboň, on
account of their respective treatment of the

relation between the weight and support as well
as on account of the general spacial impression
they make, incorporate nearly a contrary basic
idea. In Kremnica the structure of the central
range pier is affiliated with the complex supports
of the ribs of the Rayonmant architecture, in
so far as we see in it a form with the application
of members of the fasciculate piers as grafts onto
the original prismatic structure. Noteworthy is
here “classicism” of its own kind, the füll plasticity
of the elements attaching to the supporting body,
without any indication of linear arrangement.
The mighty upward movement starting at the
base of the pier involves the plastic members
attaching to the pier at the corners, whose fonction
to conduct the observing eye in one direction is
