Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Muzeum Archeologiczne w Poznaniu [Editor]
Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses: Annales Musei Archaeologici Posnaniensis — 48.2012

DOI issue:
Nerudová, Zdeňka; Neruda, Petr; Sadovský, Petr: Open software „HROT”. Digital 2D technology for the description of archaeological analysis
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Open software „HROT”. Digital 2D technology for the description of archaeological analysis


sted on program Statistika CZ). Another output
is a linę of the leaf point which may be graphi-
cally compared to other five chosen pieces; they
overlay one another with the joint axis and the
point at the proximal extremity.

Adyantages and disadyantages

The biggest problem was entirely incorrect de-
piction of object contours. In some cases a proxi-
mal tip merged with the background or even with
the scalę; program „HROT” returned completely
irrelevant sizes. Testing proved it is necessary to
take a RGB image with high contrast in .tif format;
otherwise the application is not able to recognize
artefact contours and it displays them incorrectly
(Fig. 2). In some cases it is not necessary to take
new pictures or repair original photos. The appli-
cation has a yerification function which allows to
specify parts of the image with the scalę or the leaf
point. If this correction does not help to display the
image correctly, it is necessary to take another pic-
ture with the highest possible contrast between the
object and the background.

There was a slight problem during processing
of digital images of big leaf points (type Volgu for
example) whose maximal dimension is considera-
bly bigger then the scalę 10x10 mm. That was the
reason for a tool to be built into the program; it ena-
bles to define the size of the scalę. A square scalę
sized 100x100 mm can be used. It helped to avoid
incorrect display completely.

Even the described system is very simple it has
many adyantages which are not available in simi-
larly oriented programs. The system is practically
not limited by the size of the analysed object. We
recognize the biggest adyantage in automatization
of measuring (it is not necessary to mark points for
measuring, though this option is integrated in the
program too) and it is also possible to process virtu-
ally unlimited data volume. It is undoubtedly useful
in large sets.

Another adyantage of the program is the possi-
bility to analyse digital images which were not ta-
ken by a digital camera. We do not need to have the
analysed object physically available. Scaned images
with elear scalę from publications can be used too.
Again, we convert them to a contrast RGB image in
.tif format and we add a square graphical scalę. Thus

we could, for example, perform an analysis of leaf
points from site Moravany-Dlha. They have been
neither processed nor published yet (Nerudova, Va-
loch 2009).

The program was designed and created as an
open system. It means it is possible to adjust and
change the application or add new functions based
on an algorithm in program MatLab. Thus, its use is
not limited only to an analysis of stone tool images
but it may be also helpful in case of an object with
non-concave sides.

Last but not least, simplicity of the program
predetermines it to use as a portable application in
terrain, for example. Its Iow hardware requirements
mean an adyantage for outdoor application.


First results show the program offers a conve-
nient alternative for solving partial problems. Its
potential was tested on a set of morę than 300 pie-
ces of bifacial artefacts during the grant projet and
it brought interesting results (Nerudova, Neruda,
Sadovsky 2011). We proved, that the obtained
morpho-metrical data can be processed statisti-
cally and they could be conyeniently used to com-
pare bifacial artefacts (especially leaf points) of
different cultures. It will be possible to add other
specialized algorithms in futurę (Sucharda 2009).
Thank to its simplicity, we suppose perspective
usage within Systems for complex documentation
of archaeological situations which must be left
in situ (McPherron et al. 2008; McPherron et al.
2009). The main adyantage is the fact that digital
cameras are spread widely. The software may help
to avoid use of other hardware equipment (a digi-
tal slide gauge).

The program may be further applied to obtain
wide comparative databases of certain types of ar-
chaeological artefacts. In this case, an important
adyantage is the program algorithm which offers
fast and easy way of collection of metric data even
when the analysed artefacts are available only in
a form of picture documentation. In any case, te-
sting of the program indicates it could be used not
only for data collection but also as auxiliary tool to
describe uncompleted finds for later assessment of
analogies or to reconstruct possible artefact shape
(see Saragusti et al. 2009).