Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Muzeum Archeologiczne w Poznaniu [Hrsg.]
Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses: Annales Musei Archaeologici Posnaniensis — 48.2012

DOI Heft:
Czebreszuk, Janusz; Kryvalcevič, Mikola: Miedziana siekiera z miejscowości Azierszczyna, rejon Rieczyca, obwód Homel, na Białorusi. Z badań nad początkami metalurgii nad górnym Dnieprem
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Miedziana siekiera z miejscowości Azierszczina, rejon Rieczyca, obwód Homel, na Białorusi.

Z badań nad początkami metalurgii nad górnym Dnieprem_




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A copper axe from Azyershchina, region
Ryechitsa, district Hommel, in Belarus.
From research on the beginning of me-
tallurgy on the upper Dnieper


The axe presented in the paper is an isolated find discov-
ered in 2008. It came to the surface during drainage works on
the terrace at the mouth of the Vyedrich river, a right-bank trib-
utary of the Dnieper.

In typological terms, it is a tool of the shaft-hole group
widely known in the European Bronze Age. The Azyershchina
axe, however, carries a number of specific features which make
it difficult to find their unequivocal analogies. Similar, though
not analogous, artefacts come from vast territories cover-
ing not only the drainage basin of the Dnieper but also the
swathes of land along the Baltic Sea and the drainage basin
of the middle Dnieper, and even the regions on the Dniester.
Ihe finds from the Baltic zonę alike the Azyershchina speci-
men, numbered among the so-called shaft-hole Baltic axes of
Littausdorf, Szyli na Mała and Giżycko types, are particularly
abundant. They are all morę or less closely dated to the 5th
H(B2) or 4th H(A2) H(B1) period of the Bronze Age. Another
Baltic zonę type showing formal similarities with the Azyersh-
china artefacl is the Skandawa type, though the latter s dating
falls mainly in the 6th Bronze Age period. Later still - Hallstatt
Al and A2 - is the chronology of shaft-hole axes known from
the middle Dnieper and from the Dniester described as shaft-
hole axes of the Czarnolas type.

The preserved remains of an ashwood shaft in the cone al-
lowed to provide the Azyershchina artefact with its own car-
bon dating: Poz-36252, 2755 ±35 BP (68,2% - 926-840 cal BC;