Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 220): Bibliotheca medii aevi: 320 incunabula systematically arranged, including specimens of rare presses, woodcut books, fine bindings — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, [ca. 1929]

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117 Auslegung des Amts der heiligen Messe. (Expositio Missae, in German)
Augsburg, (Johann Bamler), 1484.
Fol. Goth, letter, 33 lines, 105 unn. leaves, the first blank used as
liner, printed in red and black. With two remarkahle full-page wood-
cuts of the Visitation and the Crucifixion in splendid contemporary
colouring, numer. smaller and woodcut initials, and three other, coloured
rose, green and yellow. Wooden, boards covered with brown leather, richly
blind-tooled, one clasp. Frs. 6000.—
Gesamtkatalog 3086. Hain* 2144. Cop. II, 2389 = 4072. Proctor 1628. Pellechet
1621. Brit. Mus. Cat. II, 337. Schreiber V, 4^44- Voullieme, Berlin 88. Denis, Merk-
wflrdigkeiten I, 110—111.
Extremely rare beautifully printed early explanation of the Holy Mass
which is especially remarkable for two exquisite fullpage woodcuts which have
been carefully coloured by a contemporary hand.
Exceptionally fine and large copy in its fine and well preserved old
binding; there are some faint stains in places, on fol. 1 r. an old ownership entry.
Only 3 copies in U. S. A. (acc. to Census and the Gesamtkat.).
See Reproductions, Plates V, VI & VH.
The Augsburg Printer, Rubricator, lived at Augsburg since
1453, died about 1508.
118 Chronik von alien Kaisern, Konigen und Papsten. Sigismund, Kaiser.
Reformation der Kirche. Friedrich III, Kaiser. Reformation. Augshurg,
Anton Sorg, 1480.
Fol. Goth, letter, printed in red and black, 35 lines, 166 num. leaves,
the last blank. With two beautiful uncoloured full-page cuts and
many fine Maiblumen initials, one of them with the monogram .R. A. all
absolutely untouched by colour. Old blindstamped calf over wooden
boards, the centres ornated with a pomegranate pattern, surrounded by
rosettes and palm leaves, catch for clasp (Contemporary Augsburg binding,
slightly rubbed). Frs. 6500.—
Gesamtkatalog 3164. Hain* 9793- Proctor 1673. Brit. Mus. Cat. II, 348. Schrei-
ber 3755. Baer, lllustr. Historienbiidier, 41 & IX. Potthast II, 1077.
First and only edition printed by Sorg of the so called “Konigshoven” Chronicle.
It was supposed to have been written by Jacob Twinger of Konigshoven, but, according
to new researches, it has been composed by the well-known Augsburg printer Hans
Baemler. Its first part, about the Emperors and Kings includes many interesting
chapters, e. g. “Die ersten Engellender”, “Von jren Klaydern vnnd Harnasch”, “Von
Wenczeslauo dem Kiinig zu Beham”, &c. In the second part, about popes, there we
