Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 220): Bibliotheca medii aevi: 320 incunabula systematically arranged, including specimens of rare presses, woodcut books, fine bindings — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, [ca. 1929]

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Albert von Bollstadt, O. Pr., the Great Theologian, Philosopher
and Natural Philosopher, Bishop of Regensburg, born at Lau-
ingen in 1193, died at Cologne in 1280.
315 De arte mtelligendi, docendi et predicandi. N. p. d. (Ulm, Joh.
Zainer, not before 1478).
Fol. Goth, letter, 40 lines, 18 leaves. Rubricated, capitals supplied in
red and blue. Bds. prs, 480.—
Gesamtkatalog 590. Hain* 491. Proctor 2528. Brit. Mus. Cat. Il, 528.
The first and the only complete edition printed before 1500. In the other edition
(Gesamtkat. 591) the first chapter has been omitted and the text begins with the second.
Rather rare tract, attributed to the great scholastic.
No copy in U. S. A. (acc. to Census).
316 Biblia Germanica. (The ninth German bible. Translated by Nicolas
Sy her). 2 vols. in 1. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 1483.
Large-fol. Goth, letter, 2 cols., 50 lines, 583 num. leaves, 1 blank
(other blanks are missing). Capital spaces supplied in red and blue,
some initials in colours and heightened in with gold, on fol. 1 and 4a
large floral border also in colours and gold. With 110 fine, large
woodcuts in beautiful contemporary colouring. In an old
binding of bevelled wooden boards covered with finely blind tooled pigskin,
green edges, two clasps, one damaged. Frs. 5000.—
Hain* 3137- Proctor 2028. Pellechet 2375. Panzer, Deutsche Annalen, no. 166.
Brit. Mus. Cat. II, 424- Schreiber V, 3461. Goeze I, 493- Muther 420. Muther, Bilder-
bibeln, p. 138. Hase 72. Goedeke II, 152.
The ninth German Bible and the first printed at Nuremberg, one of the
most eminent and esteemed German woodcut-books. There are 110 fine bold
woodcuts, the same as in the famous Cologne-Bible of Quentell each occupying a
third of the page, carefully coloured as issued; the first one, representing the Creation,
is the size of half the page and illuminated with gold. (This leaf is cut rather short
the nice painted floral border being slightly damaged.) Most have xylographic
inscriptions, sometimes in gothic, sometimes in square roman. These woodcuts are the
finest work of the kind which had yet appeared in Germany and were designed pro-
bably under the influence of the Dutch School or Art. Albert Durer is said to
have been animated by these illustrations when drawing his ‘Apocalypse’.
For references to reproductions variously from the Quentell, the Koberger and
the Halberstadt edition, see Murray, German Catalogue, pp. 101 and 813, no. 63.
This is one of the finest of the German Bibles and the only one printed by
Koberger in that language. The translator is said to be Nicolas Syber (see Dib-
din, Bibl. Spencer. IV, p.454). The remarkably fine types used were cut for this book.
Fine copy, some slight damages repaired.
See Reproduction, Plate XXII.
