Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Hrsg.]; Zakład Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Hrsg.]
Porta Aurea: Rocznik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego — 11.2012

DOI Artikel:
Torbus, Tomasz: Zamki graniczne czy tylko zamki położone na granicy? Problematyka zamków krzyżackich na Pomorzu Gdańskim (1308-1410)
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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1400-1010) generated morę support for the building of strategie construction than
in the time of peace.

Only the Castle of Człuchów in the discussed region, dated 1325-1365, was
the castle whose building began before the conflict with Poland was ended by an
armistice in 1332 and the Calissia Truce in which Polish king Kasimir III the Great
gave up his political claims to Gdańsk Pomerania. That castle of the Teutonic State
in Prussia, the second largest after Malbork, played a key role as a transit hub for
military provisions and supporting forces. The building of a subseąuent castle started
in Świecie after 1335. That construction based on a sąuare was supplemented with
monumental, round towers, crowned with crenels and a flight of machicolation. That
machicolation, as well as the consistently applied principle of wałl-flanking with
turrets, was adopted from the Nord-Rhine area, from where The Komtur Gunter
von Hohenstein who founded the lay castle came. However, those Solutions were
only applied in this particular, sensitively located castle, while the castle in Olsztynek,
founded by the same Komtur, followed a traditional model of cubic-like arrangement
without turrets projecting from the walls. The technical uniąueness of Świecie castle
has only two, although spectacular, analogies in the Teutonic State - in Klaipeda and
the village of Bratian, please notę: both of them are frontier castles. A smali castle,
hosting the seat of a curator at Nowy Jasiniec (ca. 1392), nearly located on the Polish
border - which has an outer ward and its main ward, surrounded by a curtain wali
(Parchammauer), spreads around the main building - is a miniaturę realisation of
the pattern, usually applied in morę significant and larger constructions. The last
of the discussed objects is the castle at Bytów, located about 15 km from the border
of Western Pomerania, governed by the House of Griffins. It was only erected in the
years 1396-1405 during a large-scale building campaign which was the Teutonic
response to the aggravated political situation after the Polish-Lithuanian Act of Union
in Krewo in 1386. The form of the Bytów castle probably gained its finał shape for both
utilitarian reasons - a transit castle for mercenaries, as well as the issue of prestige - the
castle became the object-symbol with monumental towers, supposedly embodying
the political ambitions of the Teutonic Order as well as to generate awe of its power.

To sum up, it was the State border, located no farther than 15 kilometres from
all the castles mentioned above, which determined the fact that all of the discussed
buildings decisively distinguish themselves - both with regard to their forms and
defence functions (each in its own specific way) - against seyeral dozen other castles
built by the Teutonic Knights.

czy tylko
na granicy?...

Translated by M.B. Guzowska