Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Pherkins. ‘ ‘ It has occurred to me, Sam, that throwing in Ground Bait is nothing more or less than—as it were—a species of Advertising ! ”


The Times is very good-natured, but then it comes out every day,
and has got a very large sheet. It is all very well lor the Times to
gratify the parents of clever little boys by inserting their Greek and
Latin Exercises on Tennyson, but Mr. Punch has no room for such
things. That was a very neat Greek version by Master C. C. Clark,
of the Inauguration Ode though we think, without wishing to indulge
in severe criticism, that, had he regarded some of the poet’s ideas in a
different light, he would probably have employed other phraseology, and
a similar remark applies to the Latin version of Master Whewell,
who, Mr. Cox of Finsbury thinks, has introduced in the last line an
allusion to “ beet ” root, which Mr. Cox of Finsbury cannot find in the
original. We should like to please other young gentlemen, especially
Master Mordecai Mephibosheth, who has sent us the ode in
Hebrew (is shobbus quite elegant for “ day of rest ” ?). Master Heli-
pockkarkidos Philanthropophagos, who forwards us the ode in
modern Greek (and does not pay the postage), and Master Crwh-
myllwygwwmth, of Mold, who alleges that with a Welsh version of
the same composition, he encloses a cheese, which has certainly not
come to hand, for we cannot regard his verses as the cheese. We are,
however, glad that the youth of Europe are studying so admirable a
poem, and we wish the best poet of England the same good wish 1 hat
was expressed to the worst poet of Athens : “ "Bless thee, ‘ Alfred,’
bless thee—thou art translated.”

The Hebrews in the House.

At the late “ Church Congress” at Oxford, as we read :—

“ Mr. Napier expressed his opinion that the present Mosaic constitution of the
House of Commons was a mere political assemblage of the representatives of the
people, and the Church could but reasonably expect to have an amount of influence
with the representatives, corresponding to that which they have acquired over the
people themselves.”

Nevertheless the Mosaic constitution of the House of Commons
includes a devoted champion of the Church in the person of Ben the
Buckinghamshire Bruiser.


By Horsemarine Telegraph.

“ Camp, Chickabiddy Chokee, Monday afternoon.—The Eederal troops
have won another splendid victory. Seeing that the rebels were ap-
proaching in great force at 6 a. m. this morning, I issued my directions
for a general advance, an order which our brave fellows were prompt to
carry out. The advance was made in the identical direction as that in
which the rebel army were proceeding, and was achieved, I need not
say, with the most complete success. ; Astonishing to say, the whole of
our front line escaped without a hurt; and with the exception of a few
slight wounds and bruises in the rear, I really have no casualties wortli
mention to report. A good deal of our baggage and some few hundred
stand of arms we left upon the field for a strategic purpose, and we
likewise abandoned about a score of field-pieces which were found to
impede the rapid movement of our troops.

“ My next despatch will probably be dated from Richmond, which I
intend to sack at half-past five o’clock precisely on Saturday morning

“ (Signed) Bunkum,

“ To the Secretary of War.” “ General-Commanding.”

A Delicate Distinction.

If there is no typographical error in the annexed extract from a
Parliamentary Report, most people will probably assent to the pro-
position which it embodies :—

“ The Duke of Newcastle. It is impossible to listen to what falls from the noble
Earl (Grey) upon any matter connected with the government of this country, and
more especially relating to the government of the Colonies, without great respect
and difference.”

Earl Grey’s opinions on colonial matters may command respect,
but must be generally received with difference.

What Mr. Lajng did, when he Boasted of an Indian Sur-
plus.—Hallooed before be was out of the Wood.
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