Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Conductor. t: Full Inside, Mum—Room on the Roof, Mum!—Only like going up-stairs, Mum!” (But the Old Lady isn't partial

to going upstairs.)


Surely the solution of the Roman question is nigh at last. Of all
men who kiss the Pope’s toe, there is no one, except Antonelli, who
has the length of his Holiness’s foot so exactly as Sir George Bowyer.
The member for Dundalk holds the brief of Pio Nono in the House of
Commons; so hear the honourable member:—

“ The noble Lord at the head of the Government seemed to imagine that the
Roman people were entirely opposed to the authority of the Pope, but in that
opinion the noble Lord was grievously mistaken, and if the French Government
were withdrawn from Rome to-morrow, and the Piedmontese prevented from taking
possession of it by military force, the rule of the Pope would, he felt assured, be as
safe as that of Queen Victoria was in England. Indeed, the sole reason why it was
expedient to keep a French garrison in Rome was because she had at her gates a
piratical Government which knew no respect for law.”

Hear, bear, bear 1 When Sir George Bowser states that tbe
temporal sovereignty of bis Holiness, if it depended on tbe Romans,
would be as safe as tbe Crown of Her Majesty with Her Majesty’s
subjects, of course be understands wbat be is talking about. He is
not a childish zealot of tbe Roman Catholic persuasion who repeats
the fudge which die has read in an Ultramontane newspaper. Neither
is be tbe Irish Editor who invented the fudge. He says what he not only
believes but knows. Of course be would not dare to talk notorious
nonsense to tbe House of Commons. He asserts that tbe Pope would
reign by tbe will of bis people, as well as by divine right, if they were
left to themselves. Here is an end, then, of tbe Roman difficulty.
The Emperor op the French has a simple course to pursue. That is,
first to obtain an engagement from Victor-Emmanuel to wait for
Rome until tbe Romans ask him to be their King. Then Louis
Napoleon can evacuate Rome immediately. The consequence will be
that tbe subjects of his Holiness will immediately offer to confirm tbe
temporal power of the Holy Father by universal suffrage, and demand
permission to unite in a plebiscite which shall bind their posterity to
acknowledge for their monarchs all future Popes who shall be elected
to reign over them by the Cardinals.

A Question Asked by a Thousand Correspondents.—What
have the London Poor got by Mr. Peabody’s donation ?


SPECTACLES.—The Patent Newly-invented Tinted Spectacles are
patronised by the majority of the Nobility, including Viscount Palmerston.
They afford extraordinary relief to weak, dim, and defective vision.

“ As a member of the Aristocracy here insulted, I beg to deny
entirely the charge, that the majority are suffering from weak, dim, and
defective vision, and are groping about in tinted Spectacles. As to the
paltry sarcasm against the noble Premier, I am happy to state on best
authority that Ins vision was never clearer than it is at the present
moment, and what is more, that it shows no signs of growing detective.

I have heard of old women in spectacles, but the British aristocracy
iiave not yet come to this stage of decrepitude. Flo, Mr. Punch, not
yet. If the instrument advertised is really first rate, let a triumph be
achieved by the despatch of some two dozen pairs to the Bishops.


Bugs and Howards.

Mean appellation’s lightly weighed
By men of able pate,

The House of Lansdowne’s founder made
The name of Petty great,

Change not your own, howe’er absurd ;

A base one bravely wear:

Your deeds may that ignoble word
Make nobles proud to bear.

Appalling Self-Cannibalism.

On tbe afternoon of Wednesday last, the usually tranquil village of
Dormouth, Bedfordshire, was thrown into a state of fearlul alarm, by
the following appalling circumstance, the sad details of which we have
extracted from the sheets of the Beds Post:—" Master Jones, aged
eight years and a half, while on a vacation visit to his maternal relation
was missing for several hours. In the course of the afternoon, he was
found, very much disfigured, in a confectioner’s shop, where he had
spent a considerable portion of the day over eating himself. No reason
has yet been assigned for the rash act.”
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