Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Old Mr. Gaffer, disappointed by Ms "model at the eleventh hour, bravely finishes his “ Old Applewoman Knitting ” from himself—and a Capital

piece of Painting it is.


The following were omitted last week at the Yote Office, by a clerk
who lost the list at the Illuminations :—

Lord Raynham.—Bill for better defence of henpecked husbands,
with claws for nagging.

Sir George Grey.—Return of all burglars transported, or half-seas
over, and of stray pug-dogs, and lost parrots. (Unopposed.)

Second Reading of the Pennywise Act, with Saving Clause for
Cheeseparings and Candle-ends.—Mr. Williams.

Bill to cut down Growing Abuses, Prune Redundant Salaries, and
put a Stop to Printing.

In Committee of Supply—That all Tailors’ Bills be Discharged.
Provisions to be made for Supper Parties.

Lord R. Montague.— Amendments on Appropriation Bill; to
appoint Select Committee on the Morality of Lent Umbrellas, and for
Inquiry into Eriendly Societies for the better use of Clubs in Ireland
upon proper heads.

.Mr. Newdegate.—To ask the Home Secretary if it is true that he
dined with a Man with a Roman Nose, and partook of a leg of mutton
with a Pope’s Eye in it, while a Erenchman has taken Italy like a boot
and put his foot iu it.

Sir J. Pakington.—That it be referred to the Small Arms Com-
mittee, to inquire if our Men-of-War are short-handed.

To be laid on the table of the House for discussion at 7 p.m.. Wine
Measures, Glass, Salt, Pickle, and Iron Plates Report. Sandwich
Island Treaty, Coffee, and Bonded Pigtail.

Messrs. Staples to appear at the Bar for the Speaker’s Orders.

Second leading of Bills.—Grosvenor Square, Gasometer, Chemical,
Guano, and Dye Works. (To be discharged.)

Hyde Park Central Brick Kiln and Gunpowder Association, with
power to use the timber for charcoal.

Belgrave Square, Pork-pickling. Bone-boiling, and Odorous Catgut
Manufacturing Company (Limited).

Bill to Consolidate Acts for all Theatres—referred to Members up-
stairs to take steps to put Rope-dancers on a better footing, and to
Suspend all Acts on the Plying Trapeze.

Ground Yiew-Stopping, Park-Spoiling, House-Tumbling, People-
Bothering, and General Smashing-up Association.

Members below the gangway to keep their Seats, Yote right, and not
turn round too often, or they will get Dizzy at the head, and be sent
to the Country. |


It really appears to us that there is a good deal of truth in the ,
allegation advanced by the Corporation of London as one of their six i
excuses for the failure of their police arrangements on the 7th ultimo,
that there was an “ enormous increase of the number of the populace,’"’
who squeezed themselves into the narrow streets of the City, owing to
the refusal of the Government to let the Lord Mayor and his retinue
ride at the head of the Royal procession beyond Temple Bar. It is
true that the crowd expected to see the Lord Mayor in all his glory,
an expectation in which they were sorely disappointed, but which no
doubt was an immense attraction to them. Recollect that the glory of
the Lord Mayor, in full blaze, is about as great as any glory which
consists chiefly in laced jackets, pictorial canvas, top-knots, shoulder- >
knots, prancing horses, and parti-coloured servants and super-
numeraries strutting, drumming, and trumpeting. The anticipation of 1
a Lord Mayor’s Show, limited to the City, no doubt contributed a
multitude of admirers of pageantry to cram the City. There is nothing !
absurd in the civic dignitaries’ estimate of the rush which the British '
public would probably make to stare at them, however ludicrous their
splendour may appear in the sight of some who cannot, and in that of ;
some others who can, appreciate the magnificence of a Beadle.

Ecclesiastical Intelligence.

One of the chief duties falling to the lot of the Bishop of Gibraltar j
is to confirm the News arriving by the Indian Mail.

Heraldic Bearings.—The income of Lord Darnley is mainly
derived from a property at the Needles.
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