Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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90 PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. [February 28, 1863.

Young Paterfamilias being left at home in charge of Baby, amuses it with a Moving Panorama of the Room by the aid of the Bottle Jaclc.


Foe Musketry, prepared by the Volunteer Commission, having been
submitted to First Class Musketry Instructor Punch, are approved
as follows for presentation to Parliament:—

1. Every volunteer certified for the Government grant must attend
to his health according to the Constitution.

He must rise early, and after a wash-rod may practice position drill
in front of the kitchen range, with a percussion cap on his head, and
kneeling in Hythe position on a danger flag. The regulation umbrella
to be carried all day is the exact weight of a Government Rifle (101b.
2 oz.), and is to be in his left hand. With this he may toast five
rounds of squad roll to be eaten with a little beeswax as a lubrication.

To accustom him to stand fire, lie must eat his meals in this position,
using as a screen a number of Punch or some lively publication with
squibs—provided they be on cartridge paper.

2. Diet at lunch. One glass of gunsling with a ricochet sandwich
-or a good bull’s eye by way of muzzle-stopper. If sweepstakes are
preferred for dinner, a tumbler from the mainspring must be added, or
o-d-v drunk from a Prize Pewter.

3. The Powder-Tax is remitted for all who use for their hair trigger
at their toilette only Government ammunition, or lock oil in preparing
for balls or private matches.

1. Before a match no one is to use a glass to see if a miss is fair or
whence she comes, except on the 14th of February in each year.

5. While sitting on the heel, or when a gun kicks, soft tow is to be
provided, and no points allowed.

6. Ho one is to make a butt of his comrade, unless he is a small bore
or an odd file. Double barrels are permitted if one be of oysters, which
may always be provided with proper foresight.

7. A score means twenty.

8. One plug of tobacco (Government returns) maybe smoked per
diem; but in bed no snap-cap or bareskin may be worn (except by
Highland companies), and no artificial rest is permitted.

9. The War Office is not answerable for any mistakes in notes from
the bugler unless properly signed (except by marksmen).

10. If at ball practice a partner is at the shoulder, and the sights
lowered and no tie ensues, the match is at an end.

11. In case of accident by which a boy, pig, goose, or other quadru-
ped is shot, an entry is to be made according to the form below, and a
shootable diagram of the same inserted in the Schednle A as below.

(Signed) Major-General Hay.

Col. M'Murdo.

These regulations are to be in force from April 1,1863.

George, Commander-in-Chief.

Approver, Punch, 1st C. M. Instructor.

Schedule A.

Private Practice Register.

Date April 1, ’63.—Place, the Scrubbs.

Register of 5 rounds at 20 yards. Sergeant Raberod.

Enfield | 0 I R I 0 I 0 | 1 |

Total 1 pig.

Diagram as per regulation.

In the Home of the Free Born Briton, popularly known as England,
the Administration of Justice is so thoroughly impartial, that, if you
are taken up before a Magistrate, the Magistrate himself will be taken
up with you afterwards.
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