Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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First Street Boy {without veneration, or sense of propriety.') “Holla! Bill! What’s all this ’ere?”

Second Street Boy {without ditto, ditto, ditto). “ Why— Don’t yer see!—It’s only a Kitten going to be ’ung?”


A Little book Professor Jowett made,

And argued not as one of truth afraid ;

But Oxford Dons alike fear truth and Jowett,
Their late proceedings not a little show it.

Drone-like, in hopes this working-bee to drive
Out from the comfort of their close-packed hive.

To cut his honey off, votes every drone,

Gauging his love of lucre by their own.

“ When we object to work, even for pay,

Much less will he toil, salary ta’en away; ”

But, baffling calculation and conjecture,

Lo, Jowett, without fee, still chose to lecture !

Puzzled to deal with this heresiarch awful,

Now fire and faggot are no longer lawful,

Bailing Star-Chamber’s aid, or Convocation’s,

Still the Vice-Chancellor’s Court admits citations!

’Tis true its usual work no higher mounts,

Than rapid undergraduates’ “small accounts,”

But Charters give its Bench power to affix
A brand on here- (as on other) ticks.

“ Let Pusey’s voice bespeak our dread of truth
And teach this vile perverter of our youth.

That if ’tis well ‘ laudari a laudato,’

’Tis grievous ‘ accusari ab accusate'

“ Still scarred with Oxford’s missiles freely thrown.
What hand as Pusey’s fit to cast the stone ?

What he may want in spirit or in skill.

He will make un in venom and ill-will.”

It only needs to drive the lesson home.

That Newman should be summoned back from Rome;
And Hamplen called in to complete the trio,

Jowett’s indictment to conduct “ con brio /”

Oh, for a holocaust of heretics,

With Jowett in one common ban to mix,

Por leave to burn, hang, quarter, disembowel,
Maurice and Williams, Temple, Wilson, Powell!

To teach admiring minds these Acts who follow,

That Oxford toleration’s wide of swallow,

As wide as from Geneva to Maynooth,

But one thing it won’t tolerate—the truth !


Himsele an Aristocrat of surpassing personal beauty, Mr. Punch
indignantly demands what tins means. Calm amid his rage, he would
add, that it comes from the account of the Lincoln Races. The animals
could not be got off :—

“ At length, Lord Westmoreland, one of the stewards, galloped down on his
cob, and his Lordship had no sooner arrived than the horses started.”

Again Mr. Punch asks, what does this mean? Dares the reporter
hint that Lord Westmoreland’s face frightened the horses? vie
never saw him'—will he send us his photograph ? Meantime, we don t
believe the story.

Light Up the River!

The Illumination on the Prince of Wales’s Wedding Night ought
to outshine everything of the kind that ever was seen. By all means
let the River be lighted up. Surely the Civic authorities will prove
themselves equal to the occasion. The Lord Mayor and Corporation
may be trusted to set the Thames on fire.
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