Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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pJojSB 27, 1863.

Novel Entertainment (A), 183
Nursery Rhymes, 3, 17, 21, &c.

Nymph and the Demon (The), 99
Ode to Alexandra. 133
Officious Cuss (An), 41
Oh 1 Pity Poor Bobby, 30
Old Abe in a Fix, 34
Old King Cotton, 38
On a Late Accident, 158
One Fool makes Many, 145
Operatic Eclogue (An), 148
Order in Divorce, 60
Original Anecdote, 157
Our Dramatic Correspondent, 178, 257
Our National and Domestic Defenders, 158
Our Railway Capital, 128
Our Virtuous Indignation, 259
Out-of-Door Gamester and Sporting Re-
gister (The), 204, 209, 224, &c.

Pam’s Incubus on Italy, 148
Panacea Proclaimed (The), 52
Paradise in Pimlico (An), 42
Paradise in the Park, 184
Parisian Barbarity, 24"

Parliamentary Notioes, 147

Patent Medicine for Small-Pox (A), 203

Peep into Petland (A), 227

Persecution of an Austrian Priest, 281

Person and the Purse (The), 128

Phoebus Apollo’s Complaint, 241

Photographic Passports, 166

Pictures in Prospect, 246

Piece-Work at South Kensington, 104

Pillar of the Law (A), 73

Pity a Poor Duke, 155

Pleasant Situation (A), 228

Poetic Permits, 57

Points of Lore, 109

Poland’s Chain-Shot, 135

Policeman’s Little Game (The), 11

Politeness in Police Courts, 33

Polite Rejoinder, 52

Political Economy, 79, 156

Poor Poet Close, 239

Popery in Quod, 179

Preacher and Pul pit, 189

Premier Green (The), 23

Priests and Penitents, 105

Prime Ministers, 169

Prince of Wales’s new Livery (The), 252

Prison and the Poorhouse (The), 78

Private View (A), 166

Prize (A), 261

Progress of Civilisation, 19

Proposal for a Cat Show, 262

Proposed Reform Act (A), 145

Prospectus of a New Journal, 198

Puff for Handel (A), 203

Punch and the Punsters, 157

Punch at the Procession, 116

Punch’s Cookery Book, 68

Punch’s Essence of Parliament, 62, 72, <fcc.

Punch’s Prophecy for the Derby, 215

Punch’s Real Newmarket Prophecies, 194

Puzzles for Playgoers, 9

Quack ! 173

Queensberry Quotation, 19

Question for the King of Prussia (A), 249

Quiet Affair (A), 49

Quite Fair, 89

Ragged University (A), 153
Rapid Growth of Debt (The), 72
Ranks of Respectability (The), 74
Rayther Tall, 128

Real Church Rate Martyr (The), 190
Real Truth (The), 12
Reformatory Drill and Discipline, 61
Refractory Telescope (A), 238
Remains of Streatham House (The), 255
Reproof Valiant (The), 63
Reward of Probable Merit, 214
Rhymes fbr the very Young, 154
Rogues’ Rate (A), 23
Rome and Russell, 74
Rose-Coloured Accidents, 91
Rose in Sun (The), 123
Royal Geographical Society (The), 52
Royal Letter—the King of Dahomey and
Sir Joshua Jebb, 111
Rule Britannia! 196
Russia’s Reason, 200
Ryal Acadamee (The), 255
Sad News for Savages, 223
Saucy Questions, 89
Scandalum Magnatum, 92
Scheme for a Certificate System, 253
Scholars in the Army, 207
Schooling and Starvation, 185
Science for the Schools, 213
Scotching the Snake, 68
Scotch Stores, 102
Sensation Advertising, 188
“ Sensation ” Sufferers, 29
Shadows of the Week, 165, 169, 179, &c.
Shakspeare in the City, 227
Shakspearian Juveniles, 205
Signatures by Sunlight. 219

Signs of the Times, 39

Sir George Cornewall Lewis, 170

Sir James Outram, 140

Sir Robert’s Lecture, 51

Small Debts and Heresies Court, 87, 100

Snobs’Complaints of t leWeatber Office, 57

Soap for the Sleepy, 48

Social Catechism, 229

Soldiers to Spare for tha Union, 156

Somes’ Cup Day (A), 238

Somes’s Popular Exasperation Bill, 126

Somes’s Threated Sunday, 197

Something Fabulous, 168

Something for Mr. Somes, 178

Something like a Jewel, 61

Song from the Quaker City (A), 163

Song of Hohenzollem, 102

So Tired, 111

Source of the Nile Discovered (The), 219
Speaking by the Letter, 167
Specimen Page of the Academy Catalogue,

Spiritual Communication from Governor
Wall, 250

Spiritual Intelligence, 80
Spiritualists Raising the Wind, 89
Starling of the Vatican (The), 37
Startling Discovery of a Great Crinoline
Conspiracy, 154
Stenographic Loyalty, 109
8tory of an Earl, 41
Strange Sight in Suffolk (A), 134
Street Dialogue (A), 112
8tucco-Stricken, 262
Suggestion from Suffolk (A), 73
Surprising to a Degree, 183
Taffy in the Jury-Box, 51
Taking in, and Letting out, 54
Tales of my Grandfather, 154
Talk with Thames of London (A), 106
Tallow Candle-ish Odour of Sanctity, 245
Tattle from Tattersall’s, 87
Taxation of Idiots (The), 195
Taxes on Folly, 155
Terrible Revenge (A), 197
Theatre for Brompton (A), 40
Theatre near Everywhere (The), 112
Thief to Himself (The), 8
To all England, 229
To Persons about to Furnish, 8
Touching these Clubs, 68
Town is Filling, 78

Trades’ Union Strike for Poland (A), 225
Transfer of St. Thomas’s, 118
Tremendous Sacrifice of Preferment, 113
Tune the Old Cow died of (The), 239
Two Georges (The), 14
Ugliest Sight in Europe (The), 175
Ultra Know-NothiDg (An), 38
Ungrateful, 89
University Intelligence, 235
Unrevealed Mysteries, 255
Virtue its own Reward, 39
Wanted, a King, 24
“Water! Water! Everywhere,” 7
Way of the Imperial Wind (The), 59
Wedding-Card Tax Wanted (A), 195
Welcome and the Wedding (The), 83

Wet Derby (The), 226

What are you, Hat ? 79

What’s in a Name ? 28

What Teetotallers Drink, 10

Wife and no Encumbrance (A), 146

Will it Wash. 256

Window in Tears (The), 27

Wisdom in Globules, 217

Wit in the Queen’s Bench, 32

Word on a Demonstration (A), 51

Wrong by its Right Name (A), 144

Yahoos at San Francisco, 72

Yankees’ Ungracious Idol (The), 58

Yankee Valentines, 69

Yak, 261

Yours Sincerely, 260
Youth in the Wood (A), 33
Zeal for a Friend, 110


Amnesty (The), 17
At Home and Abroad, 96, 97
“ Beware ! ” 181

Britannia Discovering the Source of the
Nile, 233

City Police (The), 151
Derby, 1863—Portrait of the Winner,

Dowry (The), 85

Gladstone Salve for Tender Consciences,

Gog and Magog Clearing out the Van-
Demons, 221

Great “ Cannon Game ” (The), 191
Growl for Poland (A), 75
Honeymoon (The), 107
Latest from Spirit-Land, 15
Looking out for the Next “ Derby," 45
National Crinoline (The), 55
New-Born Year (The), 5
Poland’s Chain-Shot. 131
Probable Effect of Mr. Somes’s Sunday
Closing Bill, 130
Publican’s Friend (The), 25
Putting a Good Face on it, 263
Russia’s “ Evasive Answer," 201
Scene from the American “Tempest,”

Scotch Witches’ Cauldron (The), 161
Setting To-Rights, 119
Settler for Somes’s Stale Beer Bill (A),

Spring Meeting (The), 65

Madame Paris and the Valet-de-Sham,



Advice Gratis, 140

Anti-Garotte Movement, 18

Bad Excuse better than None (A), 31

Black Fog (A), 68

Boy and Mamma, 112

Cabby and Intoxicate, 11

Canine, 146

Captain Smith and Mr. Holmes, 100

Chapeau Blanc, rooted to the Spot,
follows the Mokeanna, 103
Christening of Jones’ First (The), 92
Clara and Tom, 226, 228
Conductor and Old Lady, 70
Consolation, 224
Contamination, 184
Counter Irritation, 80
Currency (The), 239
Deal (A), 200

Delicate Hint (A), 156, 166
“ Did you never see a Manx Man,” 135
District Telegraph (The), 20
Dramatic, 44

Drawing Room (The), 106
Duet under Difficulties (A), 190
Dust Ho 1 The Long Dress Nuisance,

Enraged Lady of the Vegetables, 144

Enthusiastic Nimrod, 64

Envious Party (An), 262

Envy, 174

“ False Sailing,” 8

Flunkeiana—Ambition, 232

Fly Fishing, 252

Front and Back View of a Curious
Animal, 249
Garotte Effect (A), 14
“ Ge’tleman Prefers the Oven ! ” 197
Home for the Holidays, 24
Horsedealer’s Logic (A), 4
Hush ! Hush ! 54
Idle Servant (The), 40
“It is the Chapeau Blanc, the White
Witness,” 115
Impostor (An), 196
Jones and his Shadow, 2
Jones and John Thomas, 114
Juveniles and Bessy Travers, 150
Kindly Meant, 214
Kind Old Aunty, 10
Lady Audley’s Secret, 198
La Mode, 30

Latest Fast Thing (The), 180
Latest from America, 167
Latest Imperial Carte de Visite, 60
Linguist (The), 88

Little Rowlands’ Macassar Wanted, 237
Master Tom and Nurse, 137
Mr. Punch and the Bishop, 38
New Costume for the Geographical
Society, 52

Night Flight of the White Witness, 71
Officious Little Gent and Cabby, 84
Old Gentleman and Hair Dresser, 227
Old Lady Entangled in her Crinoline,


Old Mr. Gaffer finishes his “Old Apple-
woman Knitting," 147
Old Salt and Master George, 48
Omnibus Driver to Coster, 101
Once more upon the Track of the Fu-
gitive, 93

Papa and Child, 21

Passages in the Life of a Volunteer, 176,
186, 206

Patience Rewarded, 123
Pleasant Intelligence, 177
Poor Fellow I 41
Porter at the Academy, 236
Portrait of a Gentleman who doesn’t
Care for Garotters, 33
Portrait of Tomkins, 210
“ Prave ’Ords ! ” 134
Prevention Better than Cure, 220
Punch’s Advice to Ladies, 73
Query for M.P.’s, 133
Railway Official and Swell, 28
Rising Generation—a Little Smoke
Jack (The), 34
Scene in the Temple, 74
Scene—the Row, 242
Servantgalism, 160

Sir Joshua Dogberry and Ticket-oi-
leave Men, 50

Sketch at a Steeple-Chaoe (A), 17o
Small-Bird Murder, 164
Son and Heir, 51
Splendid Illumination, 122
Sporting Enthusiast, 118
Standard Bearer (The), 58
Stodge Recognising our Friend Browne,

Street Arab, 78
Syusan and Jeames, 179
Tailor’s Shop—a Distinction, 248
Ticket Clerk and Old Lady, 207
Two Cadgers (The), 61
Veiled Satire, 187
Very Rude, 259
Well (?) Brought up, 216
Well Over ! Anyhow ! 127
White Witness Back-hairs the Lady
Bettina (The), 81

Ye Emperor Fondling of ye Pope, 251
Young Paterfamilias at Home, 90
Youthful Artist and Old Ladv, 126





Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 44.1863, Index, S. 266