Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Under-Sheriff Gammon rose quickly to
inquire if any gentleman had called upon
him for a song ? (“Sit down !” “ Shut up !”

" I soy, Gammon, where ’s the Spinach ?”
Tells of laughter.)

The Lord Mayor said that he should be
happy to oblige them with "'Hot Codlins f
but unfortunately — (cries of "Throw him
over ! ” " Turn him out!” “ Off, Off!”) He
should like to come at once to business.
{"No, No!” from everybody, and "Yes,
Yes !” from the others.)

The Hoyal Entertainment.

The Town Clerk read a resolution to
himself. {"Speak up!” "Where’s your
voice ? ”) He wouldn’t speak up. He was
| a BritoD, and Britons never—{Chorus, " Bree-
tuns nevernever ne-verr shall be slaves! ”
Great excitement.)

The Lord Mayor here interposed, and
said, lie wished the present subject would be
taken up at once.

A policeman here made a rush at the
Town Clerk. Struggle; during which

The Lord Mayor said that he did not
wish to interfere with a constable in the
execution of his duty; but he meant, that
he did not want the subject taken up.
(Here the Town Clerk was released.] He
was going — {A Voice: "Then go!”) He
was going to say—{"Say it!”) — that—
{" What?”)—when His Hoyal Highness the
Prince of Wales {Cheers) honoured the
Civic Ball with his illustrious presence, a
distinguished Alderman had—-

Somebody in the Crowd. A glass too much.

Lord Mayor {warmly). No, Sir.

Somebody else. Two glasses.

Lord Mayor {trying to appear as if he was
looking at the last Speaker). Let me tell that
person who—(Cries of " Get on, will you?”
Ironical laughter, cheers, shrieks, ichisiling and
singing for some minutes.)

Several Members of the Corporation rose,
and delivered some excellent speeches all at
once, after which—

Mr. Alderman Dakin was understood
to say that he wished to speak about the
Organ nuisance in the City. He heard one
at that moment outside—{Breathless silence.)

The Chairman of the Hoyal Entertainment
rose to suggest that they should have a
dance. {" A Dance! A Dance! Hooray !”)
He hoped he might have the pleasure of the
Lord Mayor’s hand for the first, waltz.

A rush was here made to the door and an
Organman brought in. The Members of the
Corporation speedily selected their partners,
and the festivities were kept up until a late




A Meeting of the Common Council was held the other day at Guildhall for the dispatch of
business. A full report of the peaceful nature of this highly respectable conclave has not yet
been given. The fallowing was the order of the day :—

At 12.15. The Court in Guildhall was quite full.

At 12,30. The Lord Mayor was about to take the chair, when a worthy alderman who
had been in hiding behind the chair-back ever since ten o’clock on the same morning, suddenly
drew away the chair, and the Lord Mayor fell heavily to the ground. {Roars of laughter,
during which the perpetrator of the jest bowed his acknowledgments and retired.)

( The Lord Mayor on rising said, that he had to tend er—{ironical cries of "too tender!”
"pooh /”)—he did not wish to be misunderstood {"Miss who?” from a sheriff, who was immediately
bonnetted)—what he said was—{A voice, supposed to belong to a Deputy, "Never mind what it
was; what is it?” Cries of "Hooray!” " Who’s afraid ?” and immense cheering)—that he had to
tender his best thanks. {Screaming, whistling, snatches of popular songs for the space of ten
minutes). He thanked them for the patience with which they had listened to him. {"Song!
song!” " Hot Codlins.”)

The Lord Mayor said that he could not sing. (“ Gammon!”)


If the story told be true,

It is very wrong of you.

Young Coquettes,

Smoking, when Mamma’s away,
On the lawn or by the spray.

’Twon’t improve a ruddy mouth,
Odour, breathing as the South,

And the process which conceals—
Chewing villanous pastilles—

Is a bore.

Ladies fair, with due respect,

Eor one reason I object,

Which is this:

Sure young breath is sweet to me,
And a maiden’s lips should be
Eit to kiss.
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