Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[December 26, 1863.

0»adiasi on the Earthquake, 155
Obtaining Laughter under False Pre-
tences, 184

Odoriferous Expressions, 114

Odour of Sulphur (An), 19S

Offence is Rank (The), 194

Old Story (An), 103

Omitted Presentations, 9

On Anciente Jests, 212

Opera in Chancery, 223

Oratory—Ancient and Modern, 64

Order I Order I 175

Ordinary Precautions, 75

Ornithological, 84

Orthodox Cruelty to Animals, 157

Orthodoxy and Port, 154

“ Oui, Monsieur,” 211

Our Bilious Contributor, 113, 126,136, <fcc.

Our Dramatic Correspondent, 55

Our Duty towards our Nigger, 93

Our Suffocated Sempstresses, 4

Out-of-Door Gamester, 7, 19, 28, &c.

Paddywhacks and Pikes, 92

Panic in Bloomsbury, 156

Parisian Theatricals, 17

Perfecting a Title, 54

Peripatetic Justice, 40

Philanthropy at the Sea-side, 63

Philosophy on Four Legs, 143

Photography with a New Face, 178

Pity for Waugh, 55

Plea for the ” Monday Pops ” (A), 10

Point and Edge, 234

Poke at President Lincoln (A), 81

Poland and Italy : a State Paper,

Police and Banditti, 86
! Political Information, 217

Political “Uncommercial Traveller,” 3
Politics In the Private Box, 206
Pope behind a Pipe (The), 23
Pope’s Eye and Betty Martin (The), 217
Poser for the Peace Party, 93
Post Prandial Duet, 21
President and the Czar (The), 168
Pretended Fetichiam at Rome, 118
Prevention of Railway Accidents, 92
Preventives at Fault, 178
Princess and the Puffers (The), 154
Profusely Liberal Principles, 182
Proper Name for Puseyites (The), 138
Protection of Property from Crinoline,154
Protest'fA), 137

Prussian King and Constitution (The),138
Pseudo-Historico Patent Whitewashing
and Sponging Company, 127
Public Spirited Severity, 123
Punch’s Essence of Parliament, 1, 11, &c.
Put the Saddle on the Right Horse, 243
Qdf.rn’s Letter (The), 54
Queen to the Ladies of England (The), 59
Queer Fellow’s Carol (A), 205
Questions on Bird Murder, S3
Question, 14

Question of Colour (The), 217

Quiet English Reader (The), 165

Quotations, 121, 187

Raising the Wind for Life Boats, 118

Ram of Liverpool (The), 2u3

Rare Bull from Rome (A), 40

Really Sweet Thingin WateringPlaces,141

Reform Conjurors at Fault, 234

Regular Guy (A), 166

Relations of Black and White (The), 243

Remarkable Fact, 124

Respectable Act of Faith (A), 183

Retaliation, 146

Reverend Mr. Treaole (The), 178
Revolution in Poland (The), 59
Right Man in the Right Place (The), 243
Rome and Strathbogie, 215
Ruinous Acquittal (A), 32
Russian Innocent (The), 72
Russian Pastimes in Poland, 227
Sabbatarianism on the Stage, 18
Sabbatarian M.P. (A), 133
Sabbatarian Persecution, 124
Sabbatarian Stocks, 102
Sad Blow for the Spirit Rappers (A), 92
Savage Reproof (A), 29
Savages on the Coast of Kent, 105
Scotch Distemper (The), 206
Scruples in Good Society, 173
Sculls of the Sea-Urchins (The), 67
Scylla and Charybdis, 154
Sensational Advertisements, 144
Servantgalism, 62
Settled in a Crack, 195
Shadows of the Week, 8, 14, 30, &c.
Shakspeare and his Showmen, 73
Sham Commissionnaires, 81
Shameful Barbarity, 218
Ship of the Holy'See ( The), 77
Shooting Extraordinary, 245
Short Way with Sabbatarians (A), 128
Shot from a Stern-Chaser (A), 193
Shrewsbury Cake (A), 203
Simplicity of a War Christian (The), 167

Singular Phenomenon, 244

Singular Sentences, 248

Slap for a Sawnie (A), 13

Short Lesson in English (A), 182

Slip-Shod Serenade (A), 125

Smart Things in the Athenceum, 247

Smoking Rooms on Wheels wanted, 185

Snug Berth, 81

Solomons in Sawnieland, 245

Something like a War-Cry, 258

Something for the Antiquaries, 154

Something out of the Common, 251

Song after Supper, 256

Song for a Judge (A), 156

Specimen of an Irish Howl, 134

Speke-and-Grant Night (The), 3

Spicy Breeze from Ceylon, 241

Spies and Sabbath-Breakers, 86

Splitting ’Airs, 71

Spoke in the Wheel of Flunkeydom (A), 33
Sporting Beggars. 86
Stanley is “ the Cry,” 218
Star-fish and the Ring (The), 251
Startling Stage Effect (A), 113
Startling Theatrical intelligence, 245
Startling Trade Intelligence, 102
Statutes at Large called in, 74
Stay-at-Home Travellers, 24
Story of a Little Sovereign in the Sulks,

Street Dialogue (A), 74
Strict Impartiality, 227
Strong Man at Court (A), 10
St. Stephens Esuriens, 37
St. Swithun’s Day in the South-West, 38
Sure Signs of Coming Christmas, 254
Sybarite Club (The), 64
Temperance and Modesty, 156
Temperance Orgies in Hampshire, 52
Tergiversations of Tear’em (The), 13
Terrible Assault (A), 105, 134
Theatre Royal, Windsor Castle, 188
Theatrical Phenomenon, 86
Third Battle of Worcester (The), 49
Three Loves and a Life, 37
“ Tigribus Agni,” 157
Time of Day at the Thames Police Court
(The), 127

Titbits for Travellers, 85
To E. T. Smith, 244
To Friends in America, 174
To Let, 83

Too Frightful to Contemplate, 2

Tory Black Horse (The), 237

To the Embarrassed, 204

To the Grumbling Boy, Beke, 12

Trimming for Leitrim (A), 168

Trivial Accident (A), 62

True Ghost Story (A), 34

True Heroism, 181

Truth on Tombstones, 63

Tupper for the Million, 67

Turf and the Press (The), 233

Turkish Justice, 76

Two Sea Views, 115

Two Tales of the Queen’s Bench, 236

Ulysses, 148

Uncertainty of Foreign Intelligence, 102

Un-English-Farmer-Like Conduct, 228
University Intelligence, 10
Unrevealed Mysteries, 72
Value of Subscription, 61
Variety, 30

Varium et Mutabile, 144

Veluti in 8peculum, 54

Video Meliora, 234

Volunteering a Statement, 50

Volunteers I Attention ! 93

Whirlpools in Mexico, 59

Who Discovered the Sources of the Nile,12

Who is Lord Dudley ? 27

Wife’s Indignation (A), 181

Wilkes and his Liberties, 167

Wimbledon Prize Meeting (The), 20

Wind did it (The), 231

Wisdom and Licences, 167

Wonderful Winking, 118

Wonders of the Sea-Shore (The), 39

Word for a Weed (A), 82

Words in Season, 153

Word with M. Thalberg (A), 21

Working like a Horse, 113

Wye and Wayfare, 96

Yachting, 73

Yankee Hercules (The), 247
Yankee Ladies’ Man (The), 234
Yankees and Russians, 194
Zadkiel’s Spiritual Vision, 20
Zocial Zoopervlooity (A), 248
Zoological Street Music Wanted, 215


Aristocratic Hotel Company (The), 46

“Beecher’s American Soothing Syrup,”

Black Conscription (The), 129
British Lion’s Holiday (The), 79
Brutus and Caesar, 69
Cobden’s Logic, 229
Congress Quadrille (The), 219
Europa Carried off by the (John) Bull,

Extremes Meet, 169
Haunted Lady; or the Ghost in the
Looking-Glass (The), 5
Holding a Candle to the **'**, 189
Humble Pie at the Foreign Office, 35
John Bull's Neutrality, 139
Johnny Russell’s Last Job, 99
Lord Chancellor Punch and the New
Judge, 259

Making Things Pleasant, 89
Neutrality, 199

Pig and tbe Peasant (The), 119
“ Rowdy” Notions of Emancipation, 57
Scylla and Charybdis, or the Modern
Ulysses, 149

Stay-at-Home Travellers, 25
Storm Signal (The), 159
Taking the Doctor’s Advice, 209
“ Tear’em ” at the Tuileries, 15
Thanksgiving, 109
Unavoidably Postponed, 239


Affectionate Husband (An), 194
Amusement for a Rainy Day, 14
“Any Fresh Prawns this Morning?” 115
Artist Scamp in the Highlands (Ad), 145
Attempted Fraud on the L. B. and S.
C. Railway, 234

Aunt Gerty and Tiresome Child, 258
Bad Excuse Better than None (A), 122
Bad Hit during the Recent Engage-
ment with the Guards, 34
Brighton, 84
Broad Hint (A), 8

Brushing the Hair with Machinery, 175
Captain and Sergeant, 174
Carry’s First Offer, 51
Chimney Pot, or Ease before Elegance
(The), 72

Congress at Frankfort at the Present
Time (The), 127
Conjugal Affection, 10
Costermonger as he is, and Might be
(The), 214

Cricket—the Pride of the Village, 85

Crinoline Storm Signal (The), 218

Death on the Rope, 42

Doctor and Master Tom, 50

Dog in a Railway Carriage (A), 38

Earthquake felt by Old Beery (The), 15.‘.

Educational, 40

Embarrassing Accident during the
High Wind, 138

Every Man to his own Calling, 165

Fact (A), 244, 245

Filling at the Price, 185

Fix (A), 184

Flunkeiana, 20

Foreigners in France, 124, 134
Hard Hit (A), 114

How Spangleton Came to Grief or
Board the Penny Boat, 135
How to Bother Cabby, 118
Idea for a Wet Day (An), 168
Infuriated Principal opening Fasi
Clerk’s Telegram, 215
“In Medio Tutissimus,” 248
Lady and Mary, 232
Latest Thing in Impudence, 204
Little Poppet’s Doll, 158
Little Railway Drama (A), 24
Malvern Hills (The), 178
“ Man never is, but Always to be
Blest,” 94

Near Sighted Jeames, 195
New Position (The), 11
New Style of Head Dress, 186
“ Nice Piece of Biled Mutton, Sir?” 77
No Accounting for Taste, 196
Old Floppers and his Fish, 18
Old Party at the Crystal Palace, 105
Omnibus Conductor and Swell, 224
Our friend B. goes to see tbe Mechanical
Horse, 68

Painful Situation of a Father of the
Church, 225

Painter aud his Model, 112
Partridge Shooting, 148
Perfectly We-diculous, 21
Photographic Incident (A), 254
Picked up from the Beach, 125
Pleasant, 4

Pleasant Predicament (A), 205
Prevention Better than Cure, 87
Professional Reciprocity, 82
Punch Endeavouring to Discover the
Sources of the Geographical Society, 3
Punch Follows Father Time, 1
Putting his Foot in it, 144
“ Quis Separabit,” 64
Rather a Kitcheny way of Putting it, 95
Rather Ossy, 188

Return of the Wounded Popplewitz
Omitted to send, 104
Salmon Fishing, 88
Scene at a Roadside Inn, 238
Scene at Brighton, 198
Scenes in Hyde Park, 56
Servantgalism, 208

Sketch at a Rifle Competition in the
North, 30

Sketch from a Study Window, 53
Small Bore Man, Wimbledon, 1863(The),


Splendid Crop after a Course of Poi-
soned Wheat (A), 23
Studies of Crinoline during an Equinoo-
tial Gale, 98
Suggestive, 154
Testy Old Gent and Butler, 75
Things that we Want to Know, 78,108
To be Pitied, 164

Vision of the Indian Ocean (A), 31
Walking Tour (The), 92
“ Waterl Water 1 Everywhere,” 73
What we could Bear a good Deal of, 128
Wire Fence (The), 228
Image description



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






um 1863
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1858 - 1868
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Buch <Motiv>
Punch (Zeitschrift, London)


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 45.1863, Index, S. 262