September I, 1866.]
UNCH,—My illustrations to Shakspeare’s
Seven Ages have evidently thrown such a hurst
of new light upon the hidden meanings of
the Immortal Bard, that I send you a few
Studies of Expression applied to the present
day. They will doubtless revolutionise Art
before the first Monday in May ’Sixty-
They relate to an invitation given by
Jack Pugsby, owner of the yacht Whipster,
to his club friend and general acquaintance
Frederick Phipson, Esq., who, abandoning
that Work for which he is so famous in the
“ General Utility Office ” at Whitehall, in-
dulges in the Play of leaving off early, and
walking to the Waterloo terminus; but, on his way down suffering
untold agonies from the Repose and snore of an elderly stout
gentleman with a pretty niece, he revenges himself upon the sleeper
by conversing with the young lady, to whom he shows marked
Politeness when attempting to hand her from the carriage on
their arrival at Southampton ; but the Wrath of the disagreeable
Uncle produces an abject sense of Fear in Phipson, which is but
imperfectly allayed by the appearance of Jack Pugsby, whose tarry
| hand he feels obliged to shake in a spirit of true Friendship. The
ready Help afforded him by the first mate in handing him on to the
Whipster is however very distressing to him, and the Caution which
he shows when vainly trying to hold his straw hat on his head in a
stiff gale, foretells his Alarm on their shipping a sea, but the Despair
into which he sinks when, while making himself useful in preparing
the midday meal, he misses his footing and pitches knives, forks, glass
and crockery overboard at “ one fell swoop ” is something not to be
depicted at all.
So that as his Thirst can only be quenched out of a two gallon
stone bottle, and Hunger is but barely appeased by gnawing a mutton
bone, he lands at the first place they “put in ” to, and seeking Direc-
tion from a friendly post, takes the Express back to town, especially
filled with Disgust at the ineffaceable marks of Tar upon his delicate
hand—much worse than Pugsby’s—and which offers a long standing
excuse against further exhibitions of more work.
Believe (or disbelieve if you like) me to remain,
Ever faithfully,
Your Artist Reduced to Extremities.
More Work
UNCH,—My illustrations to Shakspeare’s
Seven Ages have evidently thrown such a hurst
of new light upon the hidden meanings of
the Immortal Bard, that I send you a few
Studies of Expression applied to the present
day. They will doubtless revolutionise Art
before the first Monday in May ’Sixty-
They relate to an invitation given by
Jack Pugsby, owner of the yacht Whipster,
to his club friend and general acquaintance
Frederick Phipson, Esq., who, abandoning
that Work for which he is so famous in the
“ General Utility Office ” at Whitehall, in-
dulges in the Play of leaving off early, and
walking to the Waterloo terminus; but, on his way down suffering
untold agonies from the Repose and snore of an elderly stout
gentleman with a pretty niece, he revenges himself upon the sleeper
by conversing with the young lady, to whom he shows marked
Politeness when attempting to hand her from the carriage on
their arrival at Southampton ; but the Wrath of the disagreeable
Uncle produces an abject sense of Fear in Phipson, which is but
imperfectly allayed by the appearance of Jack Pugsby, whose tarry
| hand he feels obliged to shake in a spirit of true Friendship. The
ready Help afforded him by the first mate in handing him on to the
Whipster is however very distressing to him, and the Caution which
he shows when vainly trying to hold his straw hat on his head in a
stiff gale, foretells his Alarm on their shipping a sea, but the Despair
into which he sinks when, while making himself useful in preparing
the midday meal, he misses his footing and pitches knives, forks, glass
and crockery overboard at “ one fell swoop ” is something not to be
depicted at all.
So that as his Thirst can only be quenched out of a two gallon
stone bottle, and Hunger is but barely appeased by gnawing a mutton
bone, he lands at the first place they “put in ” to, and seeking Direc-
tion from a friendly post, takes the Express back to town, especially
filled with Disgust at the ineffaceable marks of Tar upon his delicate
hand—much worse than Pugsby’s—and which offers a long standing
excuse against further exhibitions of more work.
Believe (or disbelieve if you like) me to remain,
Ever faithfully,
Your Artist Reduced to Extremities.
More Work