Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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306 PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI. [January 6, 1877.

Our Mayors, 211

Our New Sporting Novel, 238

"Our (Old) Boys," 169

Our Own Representative, 65

Our Representative at the Cbiswiek

Garden Party, 30
Our Representative at the Great Wagner

Festival, Bayreuth, 75, 85, 95
Our Representative in the City, 9
Our Representative Man, 133, 144,161, &e.
Our 'Squire on Sport and Science, 27
Out of Town, 67
Paddy's Autonomy, 57
Papers for Parsons, 169
Paradise at the Pole (The), 199
Parisian Intelligence, 136
Parson's Play (The), 221
Passengers in Halves, 119
Paterfamilias on Pigtails, 6S
Pat-riot-ism, 90

Patron Saint of Railways (The), 123
Pattern to Parliament (A), 273
Peerage and Post, 110
Pen-slip or Land-slip ? 209
Physiciaus and Feemales, 202
Plaintive Appeal (A), 227
Plea for Brompton (A), 125
Plea for Political Prisoners, 60
Poetical Licence, 199
Point for Plimsoll (A), 87
Poisons and Pigs, 57
Politics in the Pulpit, 252
Poor Britannia 1 188
Poor Prisoners ! 35
Poor Womankind, 165
Posies for the Poor, 27
Potatoes in Peril, 92
Precepts for Parvenus, 169
Priestcraft and Prog, 91
Princeps Secundus, 185
Profession and Practice, 145
Progress ! 236

ProjectedBombardment of the West End,

Promenade Concerts (The), 179

Proverbs by an Excursionist, 152

Proverbs for Ball and Dinner Givers, 151

Public Orator (The), 180

Punch and Puffery, 68

Punch at Wimbledon, 32

Punch's Countrv Cousins' Guide, 99

Punch's Party Word-Book, 270

Punch's Twelfth-Night Parting with Old

Father Christmas, 295
Putting it Plainly, 117
Question Answered (A), 28
Question of Cleanliness (A), 02
Questions for the Spirits, 225
Quis Custodiet Custodes ? 291
Quite Superfluous, 228
Quotation from Parnell, 210
Raal Irish Pitaties, 27
Railway Idol (The), 121
Real Native (The), 293
Rectification (A), 211
Regulations for Wimbledon, 17
Remonstrance (A), 283
Removal of a Nuisance (The), 235
Rising to the Occasion, 231
Roll of Fame (The), 77
Rumoured Turkish Reforms, 162
Russo-Ertglish Word-Book, 223
Sad Michaelmas (A), 154
S. and B., 13

Sausage Makers and Sausage Mills, 73
School-Boards and Swine, 252
Science and Superstition, 125
Seasonable Suggestion, 111
Sensation (A), 192
Sentiment ! 249

Sentiment at Stratford-on-Avon, 61

Sentiment v. Science, 1

Seven Wonders of the Social World

(The), 1
Shade on Progress (A), 223
Shakspearian Quotation, 187
Shakspearian Saying, 122
Shall Byron have a Statue ? 212
Shipton and Sludge, 134
Shows and Autre Chose, 231
"Sic Vos Non Vobis," 209
Sign of the Times (A), 257
Signs of the Times, 31
Singular Railway Accident, 2S3
Sirloin and Lady, 185
Sir Salar's Odd Offering. 23
Situation at Stamboul (The), 162
Small Potatoes, 144
Some Abstruse Calculations, 9S
Some Characteristics of Spirits, 186
Some Christmas Books, 297
Song for a Harvest Supper (A), 164
Songs for the Slums, 255
South Shields Swordsmen, 176
Snakes and the Sex, 300
Specific for Scurvy (The), 273
Spirit-Duties, 216
Spiritualism and Swindling, 269
" Spiritualism in Spain," 167
Spiritualist's Locus Standi (The), 165

Spring Sports, 121

Spurgeon from a Novel Point of View, 10
SS. Patrick and Partridge, 100
Status Quo (The), 131
Strike in the Painting Trade, 183
Striking Allusion, 101
Suggestion for an Annual Boat-Race, 128
Suicide in the Solent, 113
Suspicious, 199
Swindling Made Easy, 190
Talk about Turks, 152
Tarpeii Over Again, 283
Taste of Home Rule (A), 130
Tea and Spirits, 198
Teetotalism v. Temperance, 196
Terra to Thompson, 132
Terrible Blow (A), 197
The Last of the Season, 43
"The Way we Live Now," etc., 43
This William and That, 114
Thoroughly English, 247
Thoughts on the "Thunderer," 39
Time's Trackers—Old and New, 223
Tongues for Tourists, 123
Too Complete Letter-Writer (The), 224
Too Old? 97

Tooth that won't come out (The), 259
To the Waits, 251
To the Wood 1 to the Wood ! 166
Town-Touring, 81
Travel Twaddle, 107
True Economist (A), 179
True, or Untrue, 235
Turks and Teetotallers, 141
Two Worlds—the Old and the New, 177
Tyler's Tip, 192
Uncertain Bird (Au), 223
Unfashionable Intelligence, 65
" Unhappy Medium " (Au), 175
Utopian Cab Company (The), 222
Utrum Mavis Aecipc, 161
Vertigo of Wit (A), 85
Very Serious Shamming, 50
Wants of the Nation (The), 126
War Cries, 197
War Rumours, 178
War (The), 48

Wealth for the Spirit-World, 304
Welcome Back ! 202

What it May Come to, 243 [ Angelina and the Word " Relict," 170

What no one should Forget, in Crossing j Barmaid's Hospital Subscription (A), 111

the Channel, 100 Bathiug Machine without a Mirror, 163

What Old Grumpy Says, 280 Beadle and the Missing Sovereign, 256

'What's the Odds?" 250. 26 2, 271, &C. j Betting Man Cautions his Partner, 233

Words without Songs, 263

Working a Spell. 294

Working Man's Question (A), 239

Worse than Bulgarian Atrocities, 291

Wrong County (The), 131

Wrong End (The), 75

Wrong in Toto, 261

Yes, or No? 291

Young Modium's Catechism (The), 207
Youth and Ago, 23


At the Door, 265

Augurs at Fault, 63

Break in the Game (A), 181

Call for the Manager (A). 137

Cold Reception and A Warm Welcome

(A), 204, 205
" Counting her Chicks ! " 7
Dame Europa's Christmas Pudding, 277
Disturbing the Game, 127
Doubtful Diplomacy, 193
Drowsy Pointsman (The), 115
Earl and the Woodman (The), 93
Empress and Earl, &c, 83
Fresh "Kick Off" (A), 217
Friends or Foes? 241
Harlequin Goschen, 253
Keeping the Ring, 2)
Left Luggage. 73
Neutrality under Difficulties, 51
"No Mistake !" 229
Old Year's Legacy (The), 289
One Bubble More, 301
" Pill in Time" (A), 171
Psycho a la Ru9(a)e, 169
Sphinx is Silent (The), 19
Status Quo (The), 105
Stupidity and Science, 41
Turkish Bath (The), 149


Acting the " Sleeping Beauty," 209
Adam in the Zoological Gardens, 228
Addition Sum iu Apples (An), 142
Advantage of a Soft Head, 158
American's Dog (An), 285

What they Take Abroad, 113
Wheels within Wheels, 162
WThere to Go, SO
Who can Tell ? 107
Who is to Blame, 34
Who's Zoo in the City ? 219
Whys and Means, 163
Wild Birds and "Vermin," 219
William the Penman, 223
"Wills of their Own," 201
Wonderful Meteorological Phenomenon,

Wonders of the World, 120
Word in Seasou (A), 62
WTords and Wind, S7

Big Dog at the Bazaar (The), 141
Boarding-School Girls out Walking, 50
" Broad " Man's Picture of Comfort, 1S4
Brown and his Letter Padlock, 70
Browne's Sec aid Marriage, 97
Brown Mistaken for a Waiter, 273
Cad and the Spe'cialite' Sherry, 164
Capital and Experience, 245
Cause of Fish being Scarce (The), 1S7
Children trying to Let the House, S2
Cloak Room, after a Party, 210
Clockwork Hunter (The), 166
Coaching in Fine and Wet Weather, 44
Coachman and Departing Guest, 186
Comic Volunteer on Parade, 130

Cook and'her Dressmaker (A), 221

Cropper in the Riding School (A), 213

Cupid's Phsetoa at Scarborough, 114

Deerstalking on Stilts, 140

Doctor and Intemperate Patient, 185

Driving Lady and Bicycle Riders, 189

Driving Lady and her New Boy (A), 264

Eastern Question at Dinner (The), 208

Eel-Trap Costume (An), 261

Effect of Sea-Side Quiet, 104

Elephant carrying Temple Bar, 215

Exquisite Mistaken for a Farmer, 244

Family Shooting Party (A), 101

Farmer's After-Dinner Speech (A), 293

Feathers versus Fur, 225

Fishwives of Scarborough (The), 136

Galloping Snobs by the Seaside, 118

Gardener's Way of asking for Beer, 66

Genteel Greengrocer (A), 139

Gentlemen's and Ladies' Trousers, 77

Giles's Master Rabbit-Shooting, 167

Haymaking with Uncle Jack, 2

Highlander's Roll-Call (The), 22

H. M.S. " Privilege"—Model of a Liner, 11

Host's Intimate Friends after Dinner, 18

How to Trim a Beard, 249

Ice in a Warming-Pan, 59

Innocent Bonnet (An), 33

Irish Drill-Sergeant and Militiamen, 98

Irish Way of Following a Gentleman, 145

Jemima requires a Study, 88

Jenkins's Whip and the Chignon, 119

Jocular " Atrocity " of a City Man, 174

Jones's Future Mother-iu-Liw, 175

King John Signing the Pledge, 288

Ladies' Kid Corselets, 38

Lady Highjinks and her Shoemaker, 126

Lady's Groom and the Pony (The), 133

Lady's-Maid and her Lady's Dress, 197

Landscape Painter's Commission (A), 153

Lay of Lawn Tennis (A), 122

"Liar Bird" (The), 53

Liberal Landlord (A), 297

Little Girl and her Uncle's Will (A), 123

Lovers Bicycling and Horse-riding, 252

Loving Mother better than Blue China, 8

Low Tide on Scarborough Sands, 108

Maid's and Mistress's Dresses (A), 67

Married Bachelor of Divinity (A), 260

McJoseph on Beauty and Worth, 72

'Meditations on Mycenae, 284

Meeting of Blue China Collectors, 40

Momus's New-Year Ring o' Bells, 296

Mr. and Mrs. Brown's Music Practice. 257

Nautical Direction to Charing Cross, 21

Near Neighbours in India, 304

New Fancy Ball Character (A), 268

Nursery Ulster (The), 214

Old Nurse's First View of the Sea, 15

One Supper for each Guest, 216

Only Son and illustrated Papers (An), 272

Painting a Mother's Portrait, 201

Painting of the Fifteenth Century, 92

Paraffin instead of Incense, 56

Philanthropist aDd Crossing-Sweeper, 152

Photographing the First Baby, 18

Playing Forfeits, 300

Pleasure of Attending Funerals, 86

Pneumatic-Despatch Fox (A), 222

Pretending it isn't Sunday, 192

Private Theatricals—the late Guest, 6

Properties on the Stage, 237

Qualifying for Hunt Races, 220

Railway Collision Costume, 78

Reason for a Short Invitation, 23

Reason for Wearing a Cockade (A), 280

Reckoning a Potato Crop, 199

Result of Fred's Foreign Tour, 196

Retired Citizen's Quiet Garden (A), 292

Rope Trick in the Cupboard (The\ 34

Salted Horse of the Bathing Machine, 120

Scene at an Eist-End Tobacconist's, 55

Scotch Maid pleased with her Mistress, 10

Seeking a French Watering-Place, 62

Silly Season Phenomena, 89

Single Lady Excursionists, 39

Snake-Skin Paletot (A), 294

Soldiers settling the Eastern Question, 223

Spirit-Raising, 276

Stag or Calf-Hunting ? 271

Steam Express-Shooting-Chair (A), 144

Steam-Fishing-Apparatus, 162

Stopping a Wife's Jaw, 54

Strange Marine Vegetation, 24

Stud-Groom's Grievance (A), 232

Suburban Tenor's Relaxed Throat, 28

Tall and Short on the Rink, 16

Thoroughbred Major (A), 131

Tipsy Rustic and Curate, 26

Tomkins's Toilet, 155

Tomkins takes First-Class Tickets, 148

Turkey has no Capital, 37

Useful Officers at Billiards, 109

Was Geraldine's Papa her Uncle ? 76

What Papa says when he comes Home, 26 J

What to do w'ith a Tough Bird, 96

" When the Clocks Strike Nothing, 45

Why Daniel was thrown to the Lions, 143

Why Fred carries a Sausage, 281

Why Scrubb's Daughters are Single, 235

london : bradbury, agnew, & co., printers, whitefriars.



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1876
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1871 - 1881
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 71.1876, Index, S. 306