Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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February 23, 1889.]




Impecunious Lodger. “Jemima, did you ask Mrs. Maggles whether she would take my I. 0. U. for this Quarter’s Rent,
as I’m rather-”

Maid of All Work. “Yes, Sir, and she say she won't, Sir, not if you was to hoffer ’er the ’ole Halphabit 1”


To have some more Supper.

I ask not again to encircle that waist,

Though prettier never a girdle has graced;
That our feet in the fetters of rhythmical bars
May twinkle together, like hide-and-seek

I look not again for the flush on thy cheek,
The eyes that of mystical maidenhood speak,
The rabblesome sunlight of clustering curls,
And the dancing delight of the dearest of
girls ;

I seek not to bind you for waltzes far on,
When one, or the other, or both, may be gone.
Nor to throw others over, with falsehood and

But let us, my fair one, have supper again.

Should I slip in alone 1 should quail at the eye
Of the waiter who served me with turkey and
pie, _ [fare,

Who plenished my plate with the choicest of
And filled up my glass with assiduous care.
But happy and bold with a chivalrous grace,
With you for my object I ’ll make for a place.
I do not desire you to drink or to eat, [sweet,
Coquette with the Clicquot, or toy with a
But I, gentle lady, with might and with main,
Will really and truly have supper again.

Then leave we the Arabs, Venetians, and Japs,
The satin-skinned beauties in charity caps,
The tricksy young pinafored creatures in
socks, _ [clocks.

And the slim scintillations of ankles and
The sweet fishermaid from some myrtle clad

The statue diviner than sculpture can boast.

The youth in a velvet of willow-leaf hue,

The dashing Hussar in his medals and blue ;
Like pattern in paper on waiting-room wall,
Like crests of the billows, that rise as they

Love’s fancies in endless procession advance,
But supper stands firm in the swirl of the dance.
For you and for me in the wonderful crowd,
Nay, let us confess it, some fancy cries loud,
And the swoop of the music, like gales of the

. sPrin?>

Brings tidings of summer to come on its wing.
But I find that the costume of Francis the
Develops inordinate hunger and thirst; [First
So seek we the supper-room, silent and cool,
With the Bandit and Milkmaid, the Fairy and

And list to the soul-racking music unmoved,
And eat unmolested, and laugh unreproved.
For the world it is weary, and true-love is vain,
So let us, I pray you, have supper again.

The following appears in the Daily News: —

GOVERNESS, dismissed from Conservative
clergyman’s family for her Gladstonian views,
desires the assistance of her party in getting
SITUATION as COMPANION, or to teach young
children, immediately.

_ Undoubtedly this is a case for the considera-
tion of Mr. Gladstone. In the same way, had
the lady been dismissed from a Liberal clergy-
man’s family on account of her Salishurian
notions, the matter should have received the
immediate attention of Lord Salisbury. At
the same time, we object to any Governess

having “views,” and we deprecate the intro-
duction of politics into the schoolroom. If
this kind of thing were allowed to go on, poor
Paterfamilias would never have a moment’s
peace. When he sought the quiet of his
home he would he made miserable by the
“views” of rosy Radicals or gleesome
Gladstonians; he would be annoyed by the
orations of Home-rulers in home-spun,
Tories in tailor-made frocks, Liberals in lace,
Conservatives in crinoline, Socialists in short
petticoats, and Fenians in frills. In fact, he
would find the house divided in most un-
parliamentary fashion.


The Bishop of Bedford is willing
That girls for Terpsichore thrilling
Should join in a “ hop ”

Such as bigots would stop—

Bilious duffers! Bravo, Bishop Billing !

Nay, more ; this most sensible Bishop,
Knowing innocent girlhood will wish hop,
Would lead off the dance
If he had a fair chance !

Bigots will not find custom at his shop !

But, oh! won’t these bigots just fish up
Complaints, and a scan: mag : soon dish up
Against kindly Billing ?

But Punch bets a shilling
Good Christians will back up the Bishop.

Sour faces at this will be screwing,

But dancing does not mean undoing.

“ Saints” given to curse
Blameless joys, may do worse

Than smile upon Billing—and Cooing !
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