Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studia Waweliana — 2.1993

DOI article:
Urban, Jacek: Biskup krakowski Maur (1110-1118)
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being his monastic name. There exist two hypotheses
which tend to establish his identity. According to the
first, he was actually Johannes Maurus, the elected
bishop of Torcello, banned before 1105. The second one
identifies him with the so-called Galius Anonimus,
author of the oldest Polish chronicie. Maurus cied on
5th March 1118 and was buried in St Leonard's crypt
in Cracow Cathedral. His grave was discovered in 1938.

The beginning of the 12th century was the time of
consolidation of the Church organization in Poland. The
sources concerning this period are very scarce but they
permit the assumption that Maurus' episcopate was very
important for the further development of the Polish

Church. The place of his burial indicates that under his
episcopate St Leonard's crypt was finished, this fact
being of great importance in dating the phases of the
construction of the Cathedral. In 1110 Maurus ordered
the compilation of the catalogues of cathedral treasury
and library, the latter being the oldest library catalogus
in the Slavonic lands. A no less important document
coming from Maurus' chancellery is the foundation act
of the church at Pacanów. It is the oldest preserved
document issued in Poland for a Polish recipient, the
oldest tracę of a non-princely church foundation in Po-
land and the oldest source concerning a centrę of min-
istry in the country, outside the main towns.