Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studia Waweliana — 4.1995

DOI Artikel:
Wróblewska, Kamila: Portret Fryderyka Henryka Orańskiego namiestnika Zjednoczonych Niderlandów
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Van Dyck. Frederik Hendrik and his wite, as well as closer and morę
distant relatives connected with the Orange court, systematically
commissioned portraits of mcm bers of the Orange family. A few years
after the governor’s death Amalia van Solms-Braunfels entrusted
Jacob Jordaens with the painting of a symbolic composition entitled
„The Triumph of the Prince of Orange” with portraits of her hus-
band and son. One of the sketches for this picture is now at the
National Museum in Warsaw. The glorv of the „invincible Batavians”
attracted the interest of the Poles. „While in the Netherlands you
should learn architecturam militarem as a thing necessary for you”

such were Jakub SobieskPs instructions to his sons. The itiner-
aries of young noblemen included sightseeing at The Hague and
a visit to the prince’s court. The inventories of the rich 17th century
collection of the Radziwiłł family record portraits of members of the
House of Orange. Also the collection of Netherlandish engravings
owned by the last king of Poland, Stanislas Augustus Poniatowski,
who reigned from 1764 to 1795. included portraits of Frederik
ITendrik. The latest of them was executed in 1767 by Jan van
Rymsdyk after the double portrait of the Prince and his wite painted
by Jacob Jordaens.