Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 34.1905

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Ex-libris. By A. de Riquer . . . • •

Florence and other Tuscan Cities. Painted by Colonel R. C. Goff, described by Mrs. Goff . 273
Francesco Guardi. By George A. Simonson

Fr/ih-Hollander, Parts I. and II. (Haarlem: H. Kleinmann)...... 81

Gate of Smaragdus, The. By Gordon Bottomley. Decorated by Clinton Balmer . . • 81

Guildford in the Olden Time. By Dr. G. C. Williamson . . • . • • • ■ 274

Ham House : Its History and Art Treasures. By Mrs. Charles Roundell. Two volumes - 176

Headlong Hall. By Thomas Peacock.....•* •*•••'• • • I?I

History of Art. By Dr. Liibke. Edited by Russell Sturgis. Two volumes S2

History of English Furniture, A. By Percy Macquoid . .■ iu..... . • 273

Homes for the Country. By R. A. Briggs . . . • • • • • • 83

Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, The. From the Edition of 1499. (London : Methuen) . • 82

Indian Art at Delhi, 1903. By Sir George Watt, CLE. . .'• '. • • •• ' • J79

Italian Villas and Their Gardens. By Edith Wharton. PictuTe& by Maxfield Parrish . . 179

Ladislas de Paal. By Bela Lazar . . . • • • • '

Life's Lesser Moods. By C. Lewis Hind 83

Log of the Griffin, The. By Donald Maxwell. Illustrated by the Author and Cottington Taylor 180

Modern Painters. By John Ruskin . . . . , . \ ' < '

Musie de la Comedie Fran<;aise, Le. By Emile Dacier . . ' 272

National Gallery, The. By Gustave Geoffroy. With an Introduction by Sir Walter Armstrong 81

CEuvre de Puig Cadafalch, Architecte, 1896-1904, L'. (Barcelona : M. Parera) . . • 273

Old Cottages, Farmhouses, etc., in the Cotswold District. By W. Galsworthy Davie and E. Guy

Da-wber............... 179

Old English Furniture. By F. Fenn and B. Wyllie 82

Oriental Rug, The. By W. W. Ellwanger . . . . ■...... 180

'^Oxford and Its Story. By Cecil Headlam, M.A. Illustrated by Herbert Railton 83

Pictures and Engravings at Haughton Hall. (London : George Allen) . . . . . 81

Pictures in the Tate Gallery. By C. Gascoigne Hartley ....... 273

Pilgrim's Progress, The. By John Bunyan. Illustrated by Byam Shaw .... 82

Royal and Historic Gloves and Shoes. By W. B. Redfern . . . . . . .176

Scottish Pewter Ware and Pewterers. By L. Ingleby Wood . . . . . . 84

Sir Edward Burne-Jones. By Malcolm Bell . . . . . . . . .181

Spanish Painting. By C. Gascoigne Hartley . . . . . . . . 83

Story of Art throughout the Ages. From the French of S. Reinach. By Florence Simmonds . 84

Tintoretto. By Mrs. Arthur Bell . . . '........ 180

Volkstiimliche Kunst. Vol. VI. (Leipzig: Martin Gerlach and Co.) . . . . .180
Whistler's Art Dicta and other Essays. By A. E. Gallatin.......366