Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 34.1905

DOI issue:
Nr. 145 (April 1905)
DOI article:
Wood, T. Martin: A room decorated by Charles Conder
DOI article:
Van der Veer, Lenore: Professor Ludwig Dill: the man and his work
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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Ludwig Dill

him, in his attempt not to let escape evidence of the 1 "V ROFESSOR LUDWIG DILL:
pleasure to himself with which everything was com- I——^THE MAN AND HIS WORK.

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posed. To know that we have amongst us a fine -gy VAN DER VEER
artist of sufficient courage to paint his fancies for

their own sake, refusing to correct his art by any In modern German art the name of Professor

standard but that of the pleasure which it gives him, Ludwig Dill stands very high, yet so simple is his

and to have in him a fastidious exquisite who closes Hfe and so modest his nature that were he not

his lids to the ugly, and pretends that it does not sought out from amongst his work, the world

exist, is, indeed, refreshing among the various artistic outside would know little indeed of this landscape

ideals of to-day. Mr. Conder gives to us, gives to idealist, this kindly natured man who only paints

those who employ his genius, an escape into a what he feels, and who only feels what is great and

refinement of pleasure which for to-day has a splendid in woodland and sky. His is the heart

chosen message, and which in our time sets the of the poet, made visible to us through his personal

messenger apart as one who has refused to part with interpretation of nature.

his illusions. His art brings back to our memory Ludwig Dill was born in Gerusbach, near Baden-
the pleasure of an hour departed. This is the Baden, on the 2nd of February, 1848, and was
sentiment embodied in his designs ; it is part of educated in Stuttgart for the career of engineer
the delicate manner of his expression, and it lies and architect. He served as an officer in the war
behind the remarkable colour that early brought of 1870, and two years afterwards became a student
him into fame. All that his art is significant of of art at the Academy in Munich, where he worked
demands of it that it should be slight in execution ; with Piloty until 1874, when he received corn-
it could not give us its own intimate secret were missions for illustrated German papers to travel
it not as elusive in execution as the scent of a through France, Italy and Switzerland. From
rose; for its secret is the same that the rose gives 1877 until 1893, he made the most delightful
us, that the wind brings us passing an instrument journeys to Venice and Holland for the sake of
of strings. T. Martin Wood. studies to be used in more ambitious paintings,


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